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THE REAPING FOR THE SEVENTY-SECOND HUNGER GAMES was tomorrow. Saraphina Odair was nervous, as she was only fifteen and not sure if she was ready to be in the arena, but the odds were in her favor. It was likely that a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl would volunteer before anyone was even reaped. It was a tradition in the career districts for the older academy students to volunteer for the Hunger Games once they reached graduating age.

Since her brother Finnick won the 65th Hunger Games, she had been even more determined to be like him. She had to win the Hunger Games before she turned eighteen. She worked so hard at training and even got extra lessons after school. Nothing was stopping Saraphina Odair.

Over the years she had become particularly skilled in axe-wielding and knife throwing. She was also pretty good at physical fighting, but it wasn't her strongest. Saraphina was extremely good at using weapons, and her aim was insanely accurate every time.

Saraphina was getting some extra training in with Finnick, as she always did the day before the reaping. She hadn't missed a shot yet.

"You're doing fine, Saraphina, you should take a break," Finnick suggested, but Saraphina didn't want to take a break. She couldn't.

"I'm not stopping, Finnick," Saraphina responded between breaths, "if I get picked tomorrow, I need to be ready,"

"You forget the fact that I will be there, I can't mentor you but I'll be mentoring whoever the boy is," Finnick explained, "either way, you get so much training at the Capitol, you'll be fine,"

Saraphina wasn't sure if she should trust him, but after all, he did win the Hunger Games, she should probably take his advice if he has any. She would save that until she was reaped, she doesn't need advice for games she wasn't even in yet.

"Okay, fine, I'll stop. But if I get reaped and I die in that arena, Finnick, it's your fault," Saraphina joked while Finnick gave her a 'that's so not funny' look, "fine, fine," she threw her hands up in surrender, "I'm not funny. I get it,"

"Well, your joke wasn't exactly comedian-worthy," Finnick looked at her, she rolled her eyes and punched him in the gut, "what was that for?"

"Calling me un-funny," Saraphina giggled and started to sprint back to their house in Victor's Village. She ran as fast as she possibly could, with Finnick close behind her. One thing Saraphina knew was that she was one hundred percent faster than her older brother.

From the training center to their house, it only took about a five-minute walk, so a sprint was even quicker. Saraphina sped into the house panting and accidentally slamming the door behind her. Her mother, Cliodna, quickly realized her children were home, but was surprised when she only saw one of them.

"Where's Finnick?" Clidona asked her daughter.

"We raced home," Saraphina smiled and continued out of the foyer and into the kitchen.

Clidona followed Saraphina into the kitchen and got a plate of food for her daughter. Tonight she had made potatoes and salmon.

"How are you feeling about the reaping being tomorrow, honey?" Cliodna asked, "I know you're only fifteen, but I think you could volunteer,"

"I don't think I'll volunteer, Mom," Saraphina responded, her mother cocked her brow to ask why not? "I just don't think I'm ready yet. If I don't get reaped before I'm seventeen, then I'll volunteer,"

"Okay, well, if nobody volunteers for you when you get picked, you have no choice," Cliodna explained,

"Yes, mom, I'm aware. I see it happen every year almost. Someone might volunteer unless the person reaped is known to have immense talent," Saraphina said, digging into the food on her plate. Just as Cliodna was about to say something, Finnick burst into the kitchen panting.

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