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TODAY WAS THE DAY. It was time for the individual assessment of each tribute, resulting in a score that would determine the amount sponsors they had in the arena.

Saraphina awoke at 8:30 in the morning, her first view was the City Center that quieted down immensely since last night. Training started at 10:00, per usual, and individual assessment was at 1:30.

Saraphina got out of bed as soon as she woke up and headed to the bathroom to fix herself up.

She carefully braided her hair in two and put it into a ponytail, that she also braided. The water was warm as she washed her face from the oils that accumulated on her face as she slept.

The dining room was empty other than Nero when Saraphina entered.

"Morning. Where's everyone else?" said Saraphina.

"Oh hey. They're probably asleep or something, I suppose we don't really need them until later. The avoxes still brought out food," Nero responded.

Saraphina took a seat next to her district partner, "you ready?"

"I think so, I was hoping Finnick would train me myself," Nero said.

"He will, you just have to ask," she reassured him. Finnick as a mentor was not someone to fear.

Nero nodded, "thanks."

Both of the tributes were careful not to eat too much breakfast. They had to be completely ready for their assessments today. Saraphina decided to save most of the eating for dinner so she didn't end up feeling sick.

It was 9:30 when Saraphina and Nero went into the elevator to the gymnasium. There were the tributes from Districts 6, 10 and 12 already packed into the elevator.

Nero gave them a small nod that none returned. It was the thought that counted, he tried to be nice but supposed he would only end up killing them in the arena.

Who knew? Maybe he would end up being the very last face they see. Maybe Saraphina's.

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During training, Saraphina decided on practicing with several sizes of knives. After all, she was better with knives than anything else, and would get a higher score.

Lunch came before she knew it, and she remained at the same table as the last two days with the other careers.

"What scores do you think you guys will get? I'm hoping for an eleven," said Augustus. Of course he would think he'd get a score nobody has ever received before.

"Nobody's ever gotten an eleven," Octavia pointed out.

"There's a first time for everything," Augustus replied.

"Yeah, but the fact you think it will be you is funny to me," Octavia said, "no offense but there's nothing special about you. You're a career and a Hadley, there's been like eighty of you,"

"Way to bring down the mood, Octavia," Priscilla added.

"Sorry, just stressed," Octavia told her before looking down at her food and simply picking at it.

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