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THE VICTORY TOUR FOR THE 72ND HUNGER GAMES WAS AROUND THE CORNER. Saraphina was back at school, enjoying her time living like a semi-normal teenager. The remembrance of this event made her want to vomit.

She just wanted to be normal again.

It was slightly cooler in District 4 during the winter months, but only cold enough for a light jacket. She loved it in 4, she didn't want to return to the Capitol where it would be freezing and snowy. The cold was not Saraphina's friend.

Saraphina sat on the couch in her living room next to Finnick and Annie. They were all watching recent Capitol news and all of the talk about the newest victor of the Hunger Games.

Caesar Flickerman's face appeared on the screen, he was talking about her and how her Victory Tour would commence in one week.

"I don't want to do this," Saraphina said to her brother.

"You don't exactly have a choice, Sara. It's your life now. Every year you're going to do this, except the next years after this you'll just remain in Four." said Finnick.

"I know, I know. I just wish I didn't have to, y'know?" Saraphina replied.

"I know exactly how you feel, so does Annie. If you ever need someone to talk to, you can talk to us." Finnick told her.

"Thank you." Saraphina said softly. She had never anticipated the amount of flashbacks she would get from the games. Her feelings about her allies never went away, she thought it was just for the time being. It wasn't.

The guilt of killing other tributes was there, not as much for the ones who were trying to kill her, though. The innocent ones that did nothing to her ran through her mind. The three girls she killed in the bloodbath. The young girl later that night.

The reminders wouldn't go away. She was stuck with all of this for life.

"I'm going to go take a walk." Saraphina announced and got up off the couch and left.

She immediately went to walk on the beach, but not the beach Victor's Village was on, the beach near the fisheries.

The beach was her safe space, it was where she would sit where the waves crashed onto the shore. She would watch the sun as it set beneath the horizon.

"I knew I would find you here," she heard Marcus speak from behind her. She could recognize his voice anywhere now.

"I guess I'm just that predictable, huh?" Saraphina joked.

Marcus took a seat on the beach next to her. The ocean was making their clothes wet, neither of them cared.

They watched as the boats sailed in to mark the end of another working day.

"Your tour starts in a week, right?" Marcus clarified, knowing he wouldn't be able to see her for thirteen days straight.

"Yeah. twelve days for twelve districts and another day in the Capitol." She told him. "I want to stay here, with you."

"I want you to stay here with me, too. But you know you have to go on the tour." he said. Saraphina nodded and placed her head on his shoulder.

Marcus and Saraphina started to go on the occasional date about two months ago. Saraphina realized she had feelings for him right before that. Apparently Marcus had liked her since they were thirteen and fourteen. He only got the courage to talk to her after she came home from the Hunger Games.

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