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SARAPHINA WAS SHOVED ONTO A TRAIN. She now would be on her way to the Capitol accompanied by Cora, Nero, and their mentors. The two tributes sat on a couch in the living room train compartment, awaiting the entry of their mentors.

The couches on the train were more comfortable than any couch Saraphina had ever experienced. Even living in Victor's Village wasn't as fancy as this, and the victors of District 4 had it all. After 1, they were the wealthiest, then 2, then all of the rest. Ending with 8 and 12, of course, the poorest Districts that none of the careers even acknowledged.

The train was like a luxury mini-home, with each tribute getting its very own compartment with a bedroom, bathroom, and a small living space. It was also equipped with a general living space, where Saraphina and Nero were now seated. Cora said that it was District 4-themed, whatever that meant. Saraphina assumed it was the seashells on the walls that were painted in gold and silver, and the distinct blue and aqua theme throughout the train.

"Your mentors should be here soon, and by soon I mean in the next thirty seconds," Cora explained, and as if she could predict the future, they entered the room. "Nero, your mentor is Finnick Odair. Saraphina, your mentor is Mags Flanagan," Cora motioned for the mentors to sit across from their tribute while she remained standing, ordering the avoxes to set the table.

Mags Flanagan, victor of the eleventh Hunger Games, was also Finnick's mentor. Saraphina had met Mags once before, and though she was currently nonverbal, she was super intelligent and very kind.

"Mags wanted to mentor you because she mentored me," Finnick said. Saraphina knew how much Finnick cared for Mags and how much she helped him through his games. Who knows if he would have even won if she wasn't his mentor?

Saraphina nodded, "nice to meet you, Mags," she said. Mags smiled in response and nodded, as to say it was nice to meet her as well.

"For the most part, I'll be speaking for Mags. She does have things to say to you, but I will be the one saying it," Finnick explained to his sister. "The main thing that I feel we should go over is how to act, especially when we get to the Capitol. No matter what you're feeling, smile, wave, and act excited to be there. The more that people like you, the more sponsors you'll get, and the more likely you are to win the games," said Finnick. The tributes nodded in response and continued to listen.

"Wait, what about the interviews?" Nero asked, it was like he read Saraphina's mind. She was wondering the same, how would she be herself and get people to like her?

"Be yourself, to an extent. Make Caesar like you, make him laugh. If you have to sass him or pull out some kind of uncalled-for joke, do it, but not too much," Finnick replied, "I'm talking to you, Saraphina, don't be too bitchy, please,"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Don't be too much like myself," Saraphina rolled her eyes, she wished she was able to show who she was as a person, but that made her "unlikeable."

"Another thing; create alliances, especially with the other career tributes," Saraphina and Nero nodded, "also create an alliance with each other, you want to trust your district partner,"

Saraphina looked over at Nero, who was looking directly back at her, "allies?" asked Nero, weirdly soft for his persona.

"I guess we don't exactly have a choice," Saraphina responded and shrugged.

"Saraphina! Really?" said Finnick.

"What?" Saraphina retorted, "I don't have a choice, I have to create so many alliances but what happens if we're all left? Who's going to kill first? Who is going to win?"

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