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THE TRIBUTES PARADE WAS UNDERWHELMING, FOR THE HYPE THAT IT SEEMS TO RECEIVE EVERY YEAR. Saraphina and Nero just smiled and waved, getting the same reaction from the crowd as anyone else. They didn't know the commentary, of course, probably something along the lines of "District Four dressed as fish again!"

Poppy and Nero's stylist, Elsie, led them up to the 4th floor of the Training Center. The elevator moved extremely fast, causing them to be on their floor in about thirty seconds.

The apartment was huge, it was probably the size of Saraphina's house. They walked into a foyer that led into the enormous living room with a giant screen for them to look over the reapings that happened the day prior. There was a kitchen adjacent to the living room, and a long hallway that seemed to branch off into four separate rooms. One for everyone who would be living there for the next few weeks.

Finnick and Mags were already there, seated on the dark blue couch in the living room, "nice outfits," said Finnick, who had his neck craned over when the tributes walked in.

"Thanks," said Nero, "How do you think we did?"

"Not bad. Personally, I think your outfits were better than at least three-quarters of the tributes," Finnick responded, "take a seat, we're going to be looking over the reapings,"

Saraphina took a seat next to her brother and Nero sat next to Saraphina. Finnick turned the screen on and started playing the reruns of the reapings starting with District 1.

District 1 had two volunteers by the names of Priscilla Barclay and Jordan Knightly. The girl was eighteen and the boy was seventeen. Saraphina couldn't help but look at Priscilla, she was gorgeous with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Jordan seemed to look like most boys, he just had short almost-black hair and brown eyes.

District 2 had one volunteer, the boy, who's name was Augustus Hadley. He was eighteen and looked like he could be a viking. Bright blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin, extremely muscular. The last name Hadley was like royalty in the games, they had at least four past victors from the same family. The girl from District 2, Octavia Willem, was reaped, but didn't seem to mind. She had dark hair and eyes and tan skin. She was pretty built and it seemed that nobody in her district was going to volunteer for her.

"Those are your careers, including you two," said Finnick, "create an alliance with them, they're as lethal as you when it comes to training," Saraphina and Nero nodded in response, and paid close attention to the rest of the tributes.

District 3 was a seventeen-year-old who didn't have any distinct looks about her, same with the fourteen-year-old boy from the same district. Saraphina stopped paying attention after the twelve-year-old from District 6 was reaped. None of the other tributes seemed like anything too crazy. The careers were what Saraphina cared about.

"Honestly, I don't think most of the outlying districts have a chance against you two, or any of the other careers," Cora added in.

"She's right, you two," said Finnick. "Saraphina, I know you tuned out but I didn't. These tributes seem harmless. Three had cried upon getting picked,"

"Cried?" asked Nero.

"Cried." Finnick confirmed. "For non career districts, it's a death sentence,"

Saraphina wondered what it would be like to not have been training almost her whole life. Definitely not the same as her life now, she probably wouldn't be as ready for the games. She would likely be headed for her death.

"I think it's about time for dinner," Cora said, "let's make our way to the dining room,"

There was nothing that really needed to be discussed over dinner. Training would start tomorrow, they were to start with the things they knew and create an alliance with the rest of the careers.

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