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SHE WON. Saraphina now gasped for breath as she was coming to the realization that she was the victor. She was going home.

Augustus and the girl from District 3 were dead around her. Augustus atop the Cornucopia and the girl mangled from her fall on the ground.

She held the sleeve of her shirt to her face in attempt to stop the blood from escaping her cheek. The hovercraft couldn't be far from her, it would take her and the final two fallen tributes.

She looked up to the sky, it was bright and blinding. Her hand covered the sun and tried to spot the hovercraft.

The hovercraft appeared as if it just materialized in thin air. She saw it grabbing the dead tributes next to her with a giant claw, and a ladder came down for her to climb up.

Would anyone be waiting for her in the hovercraft? Or would she have to wait until they returned to the Capitol? She would soon find out.

The ladder raised her into the hovercraft. She looked around once she got inside for someone, anyone. Nobody appeared. She would have to wait.

The hovercraft ride was just as long as it was on her way to the arena. It was just her now, though.

She tried to pinch herself to see if she was just dreaming. It was hard to imagine that she had made it out. That she was the sole victor of the Hunger Games.

When the hovercraft arrived back at the Capitol, Saraphina was shoved into a sterile room with a singular bed. An unknown doctor came in moments later and motioned for her to sit up on the table.

"You're remarkably uninjured for someone who has just won the Hunger Games." the doctor said in a monotone voice.

Saraphina didn't say anything back and just let him tend to the gash on her face. He applied a gel-looking medicine to her face and let it sit for about ten minutes. After he wiped it off, she was left with a simple scar.

"The scar will be hard to get rid of without alterations. We'll let you make that decision." the doctor told her.

"I'm fine with the scar." Saraphina said softly.

"Suit yourself." he responded before leaving the room.

Moments later, Saraphina's prep team rushes in with loads of soaps and makeup items. They stripped her and started cleaning right away.

She was washed, exfoliated and waxed in the same way she was when she first arrived at the Capitol.

Her prep team was excitedly talking about how their tribute was the victor and about all of the "festivities" she would get to take part in now that she's won.

When her stylist and escort, Poppy and Cora, entered the room, they clapped and congratulated Saraphina for winning.

"We have a dress for your ceremony and interview. It's in your apartment." Cora explained. Would her mentors be there as well?

"When do I get to see Finnick?" Saraphina asked them.

"He and Mags are in the apartment right now." Cora told her as she led them to the elevator.

The Tribute Center had a certain heavy feel to it now that all of the other tributes were dead. Saraphina thought of all of her fallen allies as they rode past the first and second floors.

The thoughts of Nero came when they reached the fourth floor. Her district partner wouldn't be returning with her.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, Saraphina was met with the smiling face of her older brother. Finnick pulled her into a hug that she returned.

𝐆𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐆𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐘 || 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐔 ¹ Where stories live. Discover now