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"DAY TWO! AREN'T YOU JUST SO EXCITED?" CORA EXCLAIMED. Saraphina's rest was not as satisfying as the night prior, but she still slept. They were all seated at the dining table once again, this time there was no need to talk about strategies.

"I'm just happy they had a trident in the gymnasium," said Nero, "it's like they knew,"

"They probably did," Finnick replied. Only the Capitol would know what specific weapons to add to the gymnasium. They needed something each tribute could specialize in. Especially the careers.

"When is our individual assessment?" Saraphina questioned. The individual assessment was almost life or death in the arena, it dictated how many sponsors a tribute would get.

"Tomorrow. After lunch," said Finnick, "I would recommend Saraphina to throw her knives and such. Nero, I think you could do well with a trident or whatever else you were good at,"

"Okay, yeah. I'm also pretty handy with a spear," Nero mentioned. Saraphina knew she would be throwing her knives, axes and swords. It was what she was best at.

Shortly after breakfast, Nero and Saraphina headed down to the basement for their second day of training. Finnick and Mags remained in the apartment doing god knows what.

The elevator stopped at the 1st floor, with Priscilla and Jordan giggling about something with each other. When the door opened, they noticed their new friends in the elevator.

"Good morning!" Priscilla beamed. She seemed very bubbly and happy for someone who was going to be competing in the Hunger Games in three days.

"Hey, Priscilla," Saraphina answered. She was the only one upbeat enough to answer her peppy good morning.

They chatted about basic things over the short lived elevator ride. Before they knew it, they were in the gymnasium. The tributes from 2, 6 and 12 were already there.

The newly created alliance joined forces once again for their day of training.

"What are the plans for today?" Jordan asked.

"Survival stations?" Octavia suggested, "I know I don't know how to make a fire,"

"Let's do it," Augustus said as they made their way to the fire starting station.

There was a trainer there, ready to teach them how to do it properly. He backed off as soon as he saw them all kneel around Octavia, who was being taught by Nero.

Saraphina wondered how Nero learned to make a fire in the wild, but didn't think anything of it and listened to his instruction.

"You should move your hands really quickly, and move them down as you're spinning the stick," Nero explained, "it creates friction,"

The branch started smoking, "woah, I wasn't expecting it to just– happen like that," Octavia said.

They sat at the fire starting station for about thirty minutes. Each of the six tributes became a master of starting a fire, and they knew that now they were able to move stations. Collectively, they decided on learning to make shelter.

The shelter making station was on the complete opposite side of the gymnasium. As the career tributes made their way over to the trainer, Jordan asked for a simple instruction on making a good and stable shelter.

"Basically, you want to start by finding the biggest leaves and branches, they will help it be more stable," the female trainer said. She kept explaining but Saraphina tuned out and started watching the District 8 kids attempt axe-wielding. It was kind of sad, so Saraphina knew that was where she was headed next.

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