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THE NEXT NIGHT, OCTAVIA'S PICTURE WAS DISPLAYED IN THE SKY. The first career death. There were now eight tributes remaining.

"It never really set in until today. That we were actually in the Hunger Games," Jordan pointed out.

"Yeah, for a moment I forgot we would die, too," Priscilla said.

They hiked around the arena for the day, allowing the hovercraft to take Octavia and the boy away from their camp. They returned by sunset, and the scene was gone as if it didn't even occur.

"What I can't believe is that the whole Capitol is watching us," Saraphina whispered.

"Why do you think I don't want to die? Nobody looks good dead. If I die, I better look good. I'm on camera," Priscilla said.

"I think that's the last thing we should be thinking about," Saraphina replied.

Priscilla shrugged and rummaged through one of the packs by the Cornucopia. She pulled out some dried fruit and ate it. At least they didn't have to worry about looking for food yet.

Halfway into their day, there still had been no cannons. Saraphina wondered if the gamemakers would get bored soon. Usually they created an event of some sort when things were getting too quiet.

Saraphina was sitting with Priscilla and Nero in the front of the Cornucopia. Augustus and Jordan were refilling their water bottles by the river. Saraphina was sharpening the knives she had left in her vest.

She looked over at Nero and Priscilla, who were gathering the food from each pack and putting it in a singular one. They had a lot of food left, they wouldn't need to go hunting anytime soon. Hopefully.

"Should we hunt for other tributes?" Augustus appeared in the entrance of the Cornucopia.

"I mean we could. Spice things up a little," Saraphina answered.

"Who's left?" Jordan said from beside Augustus.

"I know there's eight tributes left, the five of us means there's three who aren't our allies," Nero explained, "but I don't remember who,"

"Girl from Three is left, I know that," said Saraphina.

"We should find her, then," Augustus replied, pulling out a large sword from the Cornucopia, "who wants to come with?"

"I know I do," said Nero.

"I'll come, too." Saraphina volunteered.

"We'll stay behind and keep watch," Jordan said, taking a seat next to Priscilla.

"Okay, so that settles it," Augustus answered.

Saraphina, Nero and Augustus stalked through the woods. Nero holding his trident carefully to make sure it didn't hit against a tree and give them away.

The forest continued to get colder as they moved away from the Cornucopia.

"It's getting so much colder," Nero pointed out.

Saraphina looked up and noticed the mountain was closer than it had ever been to them before, "We're moving closer to the mountain, it's probably on purpose,"

"Should we climb it?" Augustus asked.

"No!" Saraphina and Nero said in unison. If it was already this cold, who knew how much colder it would get towards the top. They didn't even have jackets.

The only thing keeping Saraphina relatively warm was the knife vest that was serving as a second layer of clothing. Everything else was starting to continually lose feeling.

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