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THEY FOUND A CLEARING IN THE WOODS TO SET UP CAMP. Now that the Cornucopia was up in flames, they couldn't stay there. Saraphina found a spot close to the river so they could access the clean water.

Their supplies now consisted of four water bottles, three packs of food, and they each had their own weapon of choice.

Saraphina was still trying to cope with the loss of her district partner, Nero. They had eventually come to be friends during their short time together.

His loss would hurt the most, and now she was stuck with people who could betray her at any given moment. She never fully trusted her allies, but now she was given no choice.

"That girl from Three has to be somewhere. How would she just disappear?" Priscilla complained.

"I know. She's got to be really good at hiding out," Saraphina replied. They'd had no luck all day trying to find the girl. She was either stalking behind them the whole time or she found a tall tree to camouflage herself into.

"The gamemakers are going to have to get her out at some point," Augustus noted. She couldn't keep hiding forever.

The gamemakers made the mistake of not forcing the hiders to come out when a few tributes started winning by hiding the entire time. Now they do whatever they can to force them out of hiding.

Their eyes are no longer constantly on the Cornucopia, which meant they had to watch extra carefully each night.

The sun started to set on the sixth night in the arena. They had almost been in here an entire week. Weird how quickly the time went by when the days were the same length as outside of the arena.

The gamemakers had to at least make it realistic.

Saraphina was on first watch tonight, which finally meant she wouldn't be awoken before dawn. She could wake up on her own terms tomorrow.

Augustus and Jordan started a fire while Priscilla and Saraphina talked about various topics.

"What was your life like in One?" Saraphina asked. She never really knew anything about District 1. Only that they won the Hunger Games a lot.

"My family was pretty wealthy, being the owners of a business and all. I had a lot of friends back home, we would train together and then hang out for hours and hours. If it wasn't for the Hunger Games we would have had a pretty good life, but I wanted to volunteer and all. It broke up a few friendships when I mentioned volunteering this year, guess they wanted to as well." Priscilla explained, "How about you?"

"Well in Four, I never really had any friends. My mother stopped it from happening early in life by filling my days with training and such. I had a few friendly acquaintances, but that's it other than Finnick. My mom pushed me and my brother to volunteer starting at twelve and my father ditched while my mom was pregnant with me to become a peacekeeper." Saraphina said. She had never told anyone else about her life.

"I thought you couldn't have family if you became a peacekeeper?" Augustus added in.

"Well, he must've lied. He and my mom were never married, so he probably lied about having no children to get into the academy," Saraphina answered.

"Shit, that sucks," Augustus said.

"Yeah, I'm aware." Saraphina snapped. She didn't know why she got so defensive over things like this, but she did. Vulnerability was not her forte.

"We can stop talking about our lives in the Districts if you want." Priscilla said softly. She was surprisingly kind for someone who has the training experience to kill.

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