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"YOU TWO NEED TO GET READY FOR YOUR INTERVIEWS!" Cora's voice echoed in the apartment. She woke Saraphina from her nap on the living room couch.

It was early afternoon of the next day now, interview day. Caesar Flickerman interviewed each of the tributes to get to know more about them the night before the games.

Saraphina's prep team practically lifted her off of the couch and into her bathroom to fix her up.

They bathed her, washed every crevice of her body twice. The prep team poked at her and prodded until she was up to their liking. Just like they did the first day she arrived.

"I made you a beautiful dress, Saraphina," Poppy said in her annoying Capitol accent.

Saraphina's only response was a nod, knowing that what Poppy made was beautiful every time. She had only ever worn one of her pieces, but she'd been a stylist for District 4 since the 64th games.

Poppy wheeled the mobile mannequin into the bathroom to show Saraphina her interview dress.

The dress was form fitting and floor length. It was a beautiful champagne color made out of silk. The neckline of the dress went up to Saraphina's neck in diamonds and fabric but showed off enough skin. There were no sleeves and Poppy brought in shoes that matched the top.

"Poppy it's beautiful," Saraphina said.

"I knew you would love it!" Poppy exclaimed. What was it with all of the Capitol citizens and clapping their hands in excitement? Both Poppy and Cora did it frequently.

Poppy helped Saraphina put the dress on and ordered the prep team to do her hair and makeup.

They put Saraphina's hair in a curly updo, leaving some pieces in the front to frame her face. Her makeup was simple, the eyeshadow matched the champagne color of the dress, and they used a red lipstick.

Saraphina studied herself in the mirror. She almost didn't look like herself. The facial recognition was gone. She was more beautiful than she had ever seen herself be before.

"Saraphina!" she heard Finnick call from the hallway.

Instead of answering, she stepped out of her bedroom and found herself face to face with her brother.

"They really cleaned you up, huh?" said Finnick.

"Thanks," Saraphina added sarcastically.

Saraphina walked out into the living room to show off her interview look. Poppy and Elsie were seated on the chairs, Mags, Nero, and Cora were on the big couch.

"You look absolutely beautiful!" Cora exclaimed, "Caesar and the Capitol will be in love with you, darling,"

"You do look pretty, Saraphina," Nero added softly.

"Thanks," Saraphina said quietly. She took a seat next to Nero, who was wearing a dark blue suit with a light blue tie. Simple but elegant.

"Interviews start in an hour, they go by district so you two will be fourth. Girl first then boy," Cora explained while pacing back and forth in front of the couch. Finnick was still standing, looking ready to explain something.

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