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<Y/N's POV>

I still remember it like it was yesterday, the day Finnick was reaped. We had spent the morning in the cove sharing the small breakfast we had while we let our feet hang in the water as we sat on the rocks. Despite what other districts think about how the career districts are wealthier that's just for certain people. Finnick and I weren't those certain people. We got what we had to live and that was that.

I break the loaf of bread I had and hand Finnick his half to eat with his cod stew. We ate together everyday as the sun was rising before we each had to go do our own job. But today was different. It was reaping day. Mom had managed to get some milk and had put it in the stew so now it was a creamy cod stew. I was dressed in the nicest clothes I had which my mother just so happen to make herself. It was a sky blue dress that reached my shins and had spaghetti straps with a white, sort of cream, Peter Pan collared shirt underneath. My hair was tied back in a braid crown but some short hair fell to the front.

Finnick looked as gorgeous as ever in his reaping clothes. A nice cream button up that was slightly unbuttoned at the top, his own touch, with black pants that were a bit flowy and black boots that I assumed were his fathers because they seemed to be too big for him.

We finished eating in time to hear us being called to go to the square so the reaping can begin. I began to sweat and it felt like the cod was trying to swim back up. He seemed to notice the way I was feeling, he always did. "You're going to be okay, okay? It's the same process as every year and afterwards we can go, change out of these outfits and go for a swim, okay?" He asks, gently taking my hands in his and staring into my eyes. God those gorgeous green eyes. I take a deep breath a nod. He lets go of one hand but still holds the other and begins walking to the square.

We went through the process we always did since the year we turned 12. Go to a peace keeper, get our finger pricked and blood pressed onto a piece of paper, then separated, boys to the lefts and girls on the right while we wait to hear who will be faced with the inevitable.

The Escort of District 4, Stella, begins to talk. I tune her out as I learned to do years ago because she repeats the same thing over and over again. I finally snap back when I hear "...and may the odds be ever in your favor. Ladies first!" She says with a pep in her step. She sticks her hand in the bowl and rummages for a name and grabs a card with her long and pointy nails. She snatches the card up and opens it. She clears her throat and begins to read the name on the card. "Caroline Lates." She says and looks up searching for Caroline. I hear wailing behind me. Her mother begging for her not to be taken. Caroline didn't want to move so she was forcefully brought up to the podium by the peace keepers. Tears running down her face and her hiccuping.

"And now for the gentlemen." She says and does the same procedure. She opens the card and the name she said was making more than just the cod swim back up. "Finnick Odair." Now it was my turn to wail.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

When he was taken into the Justice Building I was running to catch up to him. To at least be able to speak to him once more before he's ripped away from me. But someone catches my arm. Mother. "No (Y/n), you can't. Now that, that boy has been selected you can't have any ties with him." She says and grips my arm. "No mama please!" I sob and snatch my arm away from her and continue my pursuit. I didn't make it far this time. This time one of my 2 older brothers, Thomas, grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder and started to walk away. I could over power mother but not Thomas. Thomas was a big guy. He was the one people went to when they are looking for people to haul in big nets. I knew it was futile but I had to at least try. I start banging on his back with all the strength my 14 year old body could muster. "No! Thomas please don't do this! Please!" I scream. But he ignores me and keeps walking back to the house. I keep screaming and crying looking at the Justice Building getting further and further away. I saw mother walk up to Finnick's mom and tell her something. I'm not sure what she said but she nodded and walked into the building to speak to her son, possibly, for the last time.

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