𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 10

110 2 6

<Y/N's POV>

Months passed by and my victory tour is right around the corner. To be more exact, it's tomorrow. I sit in the living room anxiously as I'm waiting for my prep team to arrive. They should be here soon, and as much as I respect Ms. Tigris I was still nervous. I start to fidget with the ring on my necklace, it's become a nervous habit of mine that I don't mind too much. 

The door slams open causing me to jump at the loud noise. I whip my head around and see who made their grand entrance. My styling team, Fringe and the other 2 strut in, talking over each other making it hard for me to focus on one person. I hear other footsteps and turn to see Ms. Tigris walk in. "Hello (Y/n)." She warmly smiles. I relax a bit and return her smile. "We have a lot of work to do," The man says, "We're on a time crunch everyone so let's get started!" He claps but I put my hand up stopping them in their places. "I'm sorry, before we start I have to ask..." I put my hand on the ring from the embarrassment that's rising in me. "What are your names? I've only really memorized Fringe's but for you 2 I'm sort of at a lost." I admit. They stare at me for a moment and I start to think that I'd offended them by not knowing their names, but suddenly they look excited about the fact that I've asked their names. 

The man steps up first. His skin is dyed white and his hair is a bright blue. His eyes also being a bright blue. "I'm Florence." He proudly states. The other woman steps up to introduce herself. She has dark skin that she pairs with gold makeup. Her hair large and white with gold accents as well. "And I'm Kalliope." She smiles with her teeth, showing off the gap in the middle. I repeat their names in my head trying to engrain it in my brain so I don't forget it. "Florence and Kalliope, got it." I nod. They take this as a sign to continue getting me ready. 

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

3 hours pass and I sit on the couch in pain. Those 3 hours consisted of waxing me head to toe, trimming my hair to get rid of the dead ends, and doing my nails so their 'camera ready.' I feel and look like a new born baby. Pink, sensitive and hairless. "Sensitive?" Florence asks as he's putting away all of their instruments. I look over and give a weak nod. He laughs at my reaction and begins to search for something in one of the bags that they brought along. He pulls out a container and opens it to show me the inside. It was something of a cream consistency with no odor. "Rub that on your body in a thin layer, it should help with the redness and the stinging." He says, handing it to me. I give a small thank you and head upstairs to the bathroom. Regardless of the fact that they've all seen me naked, I'm still not comfortable with it. 

I close the door behind me, place the cream on the sink and strip. I drape my clothes on the edge of the bathtub. I turn and catch my reflection in the mirror and stare at myself. I was paler and skinner then before but that was a given. The bags under my eyes become darker as the days pass. I turn my arm and look at the large scar on my arm. A constant reminder of what I've done. I snap myself out of the little trance the scar put me in and pick the cream up to put it on. It had a cooling feeling and it dried quick. I quickly dress myself and head back downstairs. 

My styling team was done packing up their stuff so they were just idling in the living room. I look to the couch and see three outfits laid out. They were simpler than the ones I wore in the capitol but still elegant. "Take your pick. I thought you should make the decision for once." Ms. Tigris says. I felt my heart skip a beat. It's like she knew what I needed. A little control in my life, and she gave me that by letting me pick out which one I wanted. 

I walk around and look at them taking a close inspection. After pondering I choose a simple sparkly blue dress. It was long and would be long enough to cover my shoes so I would be able to wear my own choice of shoes. "I like this one." I look up at Ms. Tigris. She looks at me with the same warmth she always gives me, "It suits you." She gathers up the other 2 dresses and hangs the one I chose in the hallway closet. She walks towards the door and the styling team follows her too. "We'll see you tomorrow to help you get ready. Get some sleep, you'll need it." Ms. Tigris says and leaves with that final note. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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𝚂𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚗 | 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝙾𝚍𝚊𝚒𝚛 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now