𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 4

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<Y/N's POV>

The dreaded morning came faster than any of us wanted it to. Liams styling team make their way into the room to get him ready. They're shocked to see me there but greet me none the less. 

I sleepily make my way to my room so Ms. Tigris and her team can get me ready. I enter the room and Ms. Tigris greets me with an apologetic smile. "Good morning darling. Today is sadly the day," she gestures for me to sit on a chair in the room and leans into me once I do, "I can't bet or sponsor you but I will sure as hell try to get you some." She says, leans back and walks off to where my clothes are.

Fringe starts on my hair, making it into two braids and then rolling them up into two buns. The other 2 didn't have much to do since I didn't need makeup. They just handed things over when Fringe asked for it. 

Ms. Tigris comes back holding the clothes and pushes it into my arms before ushering herself and her team out to let me change. 

Once I was done changing I take a moment to look at what I was wearing to identify what the arena may be like.

I had a thin, black, fleece long sleeved shirt as well as thin, black, fleece pants. I was given a different pair of pants to put over the fleece ones that were thicker and grey. I had a slightly puffed jacket that was a lighter grey than the pants and was slightly reflective. Last but not least I had thick heavy boots and fleece socks. This was a lot of layers. 'It's gonna be cold isn't it.' I grumble to myself. 

I go to open the door and Ms. Tigris is the only one standing there. She turns to look and pulls something out from behind her back. She raises her hand and I see its the pin my mother gave me. She places it in my hair and leans back to look at me. "The final touch." She smiles. She comes close to my ear and whispers, "I sewed in an extra pocket on the inside of your shirt. You'll understand what it's for." She says and leads me to the dining room to have my final breakfast. I take this opportunity to really fuel up. I ate just enough to where I was full but not overly full and drank a lot of water. 

As soon as we were done, they immediately rushed us onto the roof to get onto the hovercraft that'll take us to the arena. When getting on they told us to remove our jackets and go sit. This woman grabs my arms when I sit and injects something into me. "Your tracker." She briefly says and moves onto the next person. I swing my feet nervously as we take off. Liam grabs my hand making me look over to him. He gives me a small reassuring squeeze and that's it. 

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

I pace back and forth in the launch room. One person was allowed to visit you when you were in this room and it was usually your stylist. I was so nervous I didn't hear the door opening and closing. I only stopped my pacing when I heard his voice. "(Y/n)...." I look up and see the same sea green eyes that I didn't want to see right now. "Finnick? What are you doing here? Where's Ms. Tigris?" I question looking behind him. "I asked her if I could come in here instead. I had to talk to you before you left." He says. "Okay..." I hesitate but decide that now is when I'll tell him my plan. 

5 minutes to launch.

I stepped onto the platform that'll take me up. The capsule around it closes and it locks. "W-What are you doing?" He stammers out. I knew the capsule wouldn't open back up and that's why I got into it. I didn't want for him to try and stop me. "Because I need you to listen to me and my plan." I explain.

"Finnick, I'm not gonna come back alive. I'm going to make sure that it's Liam, and to ensure that, I'm going to kill myself." I say. This causes his eyes to widen. "(Y/n) if you kill yourself they'll take it out on your family! It won't help them, you'll just get them killed!" He yells at me. "Not if it was an accident," His face turns from something of anger and panic to one of confusion, "The whole time I've been in the capital I've painted myself as this klutz. The whole point of me doing that was for me to 'accidentally' killing myself. Instead of them saying I did it on purpose they'll say it had only been a matter of time due to my clumsiness." I continue. "Liam needs to go home. I know mom and dad told him to protect me but I'm going to protect him. He has a chance of winning but if he's busy protecting me, it'll get him killed. There would be nothing for me if I went home. I'm not strong like Thomas and I'm not a fighter like Liam," He tries to say something but I cut him off, "I need to do this Finnick. I can finally do something for him. But I do have some final words for you." He struggles to meet my eyes as he knows this will be the last time he sees me. 

𝚂𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚗 | 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝙾𝚍𝚊𝚒𝚛 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now