𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 5

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<Y/N's POV>

I wake up bright and early the next day. I'm glad to have at least gotten some sleep even if it wasn't for that long. I sit up and my joints begin to pop. I'm stiff from having slept on the hard ground but it wasn't too bad. Guess I had to start getting to work. 

I ate the remaining fish from last night as breakfast and grab the canteen filled with water to wash it down. I open my backpack and grab the rope to begin to weave it like a net. It could help me with catching fish and with tributes. It took me a while but by the time I was done the sun was starting to rise. 

I step out into the cold, pulling up my hood to go find some more materials to build traps. I would make the traps and hide them really well that I would 'forget' where they are and 'accidentally' step into them, killing myself. It might be seen as an embarrassing way to go out, but if it helps Liam, so be it. 

For the next few days I built traps, for humans and for animals. While it was a way to protect myself I did still need to eat. By now it had been 6 days. I luckily hadn't encountered anyone just yet but I would still jump when I heard the canon go off. I feared every time that it would be Liam but when the anthem would play, relief would spread over me when I saw it wasn't him. 

It was day 7 and I stepped out of the cave to check the river traps and the traps in the forest. That was when I heard a scream. It wasn't a scream of someone getting murdered or hurt but it was very close to me. I took off to the direction it came from but was careful about making noise incase it was a trap for me. 

I hide behind a tree and poke my head out around to see someone had set off my trap, causing them to be hung upside down from their feet. "Help! I- help! Let me down!" They say. I finally focus on their face and realize who it is. I fully step out so they can see me and I speak. "Wes?" 

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

We sit in the cave with Wes scarfing down the fish I gave him. "How are you still alive? Usually district 12 is the first to be... eliminated." I say but refrained to say to word killed to be respectful of the people from district 12 who had fallen. "I was too fast. I ran as soon as the gong rang," He says slowing down his chewing to answer me, "Why didn't you kill me? I fell right into your trap." He asks looking at me in the eyes. "If I can I won't kill anyone. I'm just trying to survive." I answer him. "Seems like we're in the same boat." He smiles at me. 

<3rd POV with the game makers>

"Sir the girl from 4 and the boy from 12 are about 5 kilometers from the nearest tribute. The girl has been here for 7 days now. Do we do something about it?" A man asks the game maker. "Yes. It's getting boring just having her stay there. Push her closer with a flash flood." 

"Yes sir."

<Y/N's POV>

Wes had leaned up against me to take a nap while I organized my bag. He had told me he hadn't been able to sleep for more than a few hours because he was too exposed and feared he would be caught. So I decided to let him be able to relax even if it was for a little bit. The only sound was the slight crackling from the fire. That was until I heard a lot of noise outside. 

I carefully moved Wes to the side as to not wake him and stood up. I approached the mouth of the cave to catch a glimpse of what was making so much noise. I didn't even make it to the entrance before I saw the water rushing in. I tried not to panic and I quickly grab my backpack. "Wes! Wake up! We have to move! Now!" I shout. I startled him out of his sleep but I needed to wake him up fast. It didn't seem like he had grasped the situation just yet due to still just waking up. But he still got up fast and zipped up his jacket. 

I grabbed his hand and run out of the cave. The water was starting to rise fast and we had to move quickly. Wes was fast but I don't know if he had the energy due to his fatigue. I quickly take off my backpack and handed it to him. "Put it on and tighten the straps." He quickly listens to me and puts it on. I crouch down and gesture him to get on and he does so just as quick.

Once he tightens his arms around my neck I run off. I was lucky to have seen the water starting to creep in before it got bad. Running in snow is annoying but I did my best, moving as fast as I can.

I don't know how long I had been running for before a forcefield blocks the water from moving further. 

I drop Wes and leaned up against a tree to catch my breath. "Holy shit.... I didn't know I could run that fast." I talk to myself. My heart rate and breathing starts to slow and I think about the situation we're in. We no longer have a safe place to sleep in, the river must have a lot of debris now, and finally- my traps. My traps were gone. "Dammit." I mutter. All my traps were gone, that was supposed to be my way out. Wes hands me my backpack and waits for me to finally recover. "What are we gonna do now?" He asks in a quiet voice, in case someone was listening. "We have to find somewhere safe for the night. Let's get moving before it starts to get dark." He doesn't answer me but follows after me as I start walking. 

The crunch of the snow was soft, I was looking all around me trying to see if I heard or saw something. I heard my footsteps, Wes', and running? I quickly whip my head around and saw a figure running closer to us from behind us. I push Wes behind me and ready my hunting knife. 

I lock eyes with the person and they stop their running. I drop my arm realizing who it is. "Liam." I sigh and run towards him. He gladly opens his arms and welcomes the bone crushing hug I was trying to give him. "You're safe. Thank god you're safe." He says into my hair.












Happy New Year everyone! This chapter is kind of boring cause I didn't know how to continue this part before really getting into it but I hope you enjoyed it none the less.

- Melody

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