𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 6

201 5 9

<Y/N's POV>

I pull out of Liams embrace and soak in his appearance. He looks a bit thinner, his jacket is no where in sight, and his hair is unruly. He didn't get as lucky as I did and you could tell. He looks behind me and sees Wes. "Who's the kid?" He gestures his head. "Wes, the kid from district 12." I say. I hear voices coming from behind Liam and all of our heads snap to it. "Come on, we gotta go. Some careers are following me." He grabs my hand, grabs Wes and slings him over his shoulder. 

We run off further into the forest trying to get away from the careers following us. It was getting dark and it had begun to snow. "We aren't gonna find a safe place. At least not tonight." Liam says. We stop running looking around us while we catch out breath. "Climb up the trees, it won't be the warmest but we'll probably be safer sleeping up there rather than down here." Liam says and turns to go to a tree to climb. "Wait." I call out to him causing him to turn back around to me. I rummage in my bag looking for the thermal blanket. I find it and toss it to him. "It's a thermal blanket, Wes and I have our jacket still so you need it more than us." He tucks it under his arm and starts climbing a tree. Wes and I go up into another one, him going first and me following after him. 

We get situated on a thick branch. My back is against the tree trunk and he tucks his body into mine, giving us more heat. I cut off a bit of the rope I used for the net and wrapped it around the 2 of us knotting it so we don't fall. "You sleep first, I'll keep watch." I whisper. I knew he was fatigued so it was better to let him sleep. He nods to me and buries his head into my chest. His breathing slows down and I knew he was asleep. 

I hold him close and think of how to execute my plan now. My traps are gone and now that Liam and I are together, he might try to do anything to protect me. If someone comes after him I'll have to put myself in between that person and him to keep him alive. 

I'm not sure for how long I had been zoning out for but I was snapped out of my thoughts by a warmth on the side of my face. I turn and see that the sun was rising. We had been covered in snow helping us blend in with the tree. I look across to the tree Liam had climbed into and it seemed like he was just waking up himself. He signaled to go down and I nodded.

I begin to shake Wes to wake him up as gently as I could. He opened his eyes and looks up at me. "Come on, we're gonna start heading out." I say letting him sit up. He rubs the sleep out of his eyes and lets me know he's ready to go. I climb down first and wait for him at the bottom, Liam coming over to join me. 

"So, where do we go now?" I ask. "I don't know but we can't just stay in the trees." Liam runs his fingers through his hair. "Let's start moving and at least try finding a cave or something." He says. We start walking in another direction. I couldn't tell where we were in the arena anymore. Everything looked the same and the snow didn't help. 

We continue on for an hour just walking. I hear a snap to my left and turn my head over. A girl with an axe appears. She raises her axe to throw it. I try and move my way in front of Liam to shield him of her attack. To save him. He didn't let me. He pushed my down into the snow and pulled Wes behind him. The spear he had with him went flying with force at the girl. It hit her straight in the abdomen and I think that the worst is over. I stand up and look at the girl and realize her axe is no longer in her hands. I whip my head around and see my worst fear. She had managed to let her axe fly at the same time he threw his spear, lodging it into his chest. "NO!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I let everything fall and launch myself towards him. I frantically unzipped my jacket, throwing it off and ripping off the shirt underneath leaving me in a sports bra. 

I press the shirt into his wound. It immediately became soaked in his blood. "You're gonna be okay, you're gonna be okay." I reassure him but it sounds more like I'm reassuring myself. I shoot my head up looking to see if I can find a camera. "FINNICK! FINNICK PLEASE!" I plead. "SEND ME SOMETHING TO SAVE HIM!" Liam was breathing heavily and turning paler by the minute. "(Y/n)..." He tries to talk. "NO! Don't talk. I'm gonna save you, you have to live." I cut him off. "(Y/n)." He keeps trying to talk. "You have to go home, it has to be you."I keep babbling. "(Y/n), listen to me." He managed to make out. I keep putting pressure on his wound, looking up with tears streaming down my face. "I'm not going to make it, you have to know that. Finnick can only do so much for a wound and this isn't something he can help us with." He heavily breathes. He grabs one of my hands and puts something in it. "I need you to give this to my girlfriend back in 4." 

𝚂𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚗 | 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝙾𝚍𝚊𝚒𝚛 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now