𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 9

127 1 3

<Y/N's POV>

I open my eyes and I'm laying on the ground of a cave. 'I'm... in the arena?' I frantically begin to look around. I'm in my puffer jacket and the fire is slightly crackling. 'I never left?' My head was starting to spin. "(Y/n)?" I hear Wes' voice. I shoot my head up to look at him. His pale frame towering over me as he's standing. "Wes," I breathe out in relief and stand up, "you're okay." I smile. "Okay?" He questions and looks down. I follow his gaze and I see a knife sticking out of his abdomen. We're suddenly in the cornucopia, I pale at the sight and back away a little. "(Y/n)." I hear another voice and I whirl around to meet Liam's gaze. "Liam?" Suddenly red begins to stain his shirt and a spear is sticking out of him. 

My breathing starts speeding up as they're just standing there, staring at me. "No, no..." I begin to mutter to myself. "(Y/n), why did you let us die?" They say in sync. "No, no..." I repeat and begin to cower towards the ground, covering my ears. "(Y/n), (Y/N)!"


"NO!" I scream as I shot up from my bed. I begin to hyperventilate as my eyes rapidly scan my surroundings. I'm in my room, warm in my bed. Hands grab my arms forcing my attention onto the person. Thomas. "Thomas..." I whisper in a weak voice. "Hey, hey, you're okay." He says in a gentle voice. Almost as if he were scared I'd break if he spoke to me in a sharper tone. He carefully puts his hands on my cheeks and wipes away the tears I didn't know were flowing from my eyes. "Thomas..." I reiterate. He opens his arms, welcoming me and I fall into them, crying more. I grasp at his shoulders, scared if I were to let go, he'd suddenly disappear. I open my eyes slightly and see figures standing in the doorway. Daddy, whose eyes were full of sorrow, and mama, who had nothing behind her gaze. No sadness, no anger, nothing. She stares for a while, in her robe before backing away and leaving towards her room once more.

I pull away slowly as Thomas is softly caressing my head. "What time is it?" I ask in a soft voice. "About 4 in the morning." He answers back, just as soft. I get up from the bed and stretch a bit. "I think I'm going to go for a walk. The sun should start rising soon enough." I say, heading towards my drawers to pull out something warm to wear. "Do you want one of us to come with you?" Daddy asks. I turn to him and give him a soft smile. "No, that's okay daddy. You still have enough time to sleep, you have work today." Even though we had more than enough money, daddy still insisted on working. Saying he didn't want to 'get flabby.' He comes in and approaches me before stopping right in front of me. He leans down to place a loving kiss on my forehead. "Just be safe okay? Goodnight." He straightens up and walks off towards his and mamas room. "I will, goodnight." I reply. Thomas is still sitting on my bed staring at me, his face devoid of emotion, but his eyes tell me everything I need to know. 'He's worried.'

"I'll be okay. I promise. Now go back to sleep." I usher him out the door, which he reluctantly follows. 

The mornings were pretty chilly so I get out some loose pants, a thin long sleeved v-necked shirt, and a jacket to put on top. I slip on some socks and head to the front door to put on my shoes and open the door to head out on my walk.

The stars were still out but you could see very small streaks of light peaking through to the east. I start walking, deciding to go to the small hidden beach to go clear my head. I was so busy stuck in my own thoughts that I hadn't realized I had reached my destination. The sun was now starting to show itself a tad bit, but it was still a bit cold. I walk closer to the water before I plopped myself onto the sand, closing my eyes and listening to the waves. 

Again, lost in thought, I didn't hear the footsteps behind me. 

I didn't notice anyone was around me until I heard someone sit down next to me. I turn my head slowly and see those sea green eyes. I don't say anything and turn my attention back to the waves. Hearing them crash. I hear Finnick messing with something and he grabs my attention by putting something in front of me. "It's the crack of dawn. You must be hungry." He says. It was a pastry from the bakery. I didn't know they were open yet. I grab it from his hand and the heat soaks into my cold finger tips. I turn to look at him and see him opening a thermos. He takes out 2 cups and pours in hot milk, handing me one of the cups. 

We sit in silence. The only sound being the waves crashing and the sound of us chewing. "Does it get better?" I ask, breaking the silence. "What?" He asks. "Does it get any better. The nightmares, the guilt." I clarify. "Do you want me to comfort you or tell you the truth?" By that alone I knew my answer. 

"They visit me in my dreams. Wes and Liam." I turn to him. He turns as well to give me his undivided attention. "I sometimes think I'm still in the arena and think I can still make things right. But that soon melts away with them bleeding, asking me why I let them die. Then the asking turns to them screaming at me." I say, now crying. Since the games all I ever do now is cry. I'm a mess, I didn't need anyone to tell me that. 

He grabs me softly and pulls me into a hug. "I'm sorry." I didn't know why he was apologizing. Even if he had done something nothing would've stopped this outcome. He lays back into the sand and pulls me along with him. My head rests on his chest and his arms wrap themselves around my waist. I close my eyes and just focus on my surroundings. The sound of the waves, his heart beating, the feeling of his body heat, his scent. All of this slowly lulls me to sleep....














Very short but I wanted to give (Y/n) a cute little moment of piece before I traumatize her again....


- Melody

11:15 PM


𝚂𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚗 | 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝙾𝚍𝚊𝚒𝚛 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now