𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 2

203 3 7

<Y/N's POV>

Ms. Tigris walked me through what she wanted me to wear. She wanted something to not just reek of district 4. In past years, the tributes were barely clothed and just covered with a fishing net from what I had seen. I remember how they dressed Finnick, they only covered his groin with a fishing net and basically called it a day. The people in the capital ate it up and fawned over him. It grossed me out so much because he was only 14. A child. 

"I want you to look like a mermaid. But instead of making it blatantly obvious, I want your outfit to be able to paint that story. Your features should also be able help with that." Ms. Tigris smiles at me after giving me a brief consultation. "My features?" I ask. "Yes, your features. You have a very pretty face, it's almost as if you yourself are already a mermaid." She says. I feel my face warm as I had never been told that before. "We can also incorporate this beautiful hair pin. Is it yours?" Ms. Tigris asks me. "Yes, my mother gave it to me before I left," I say "What about Liam? Is he gonna be a merman?" I change the topic and am able to ask her before she steps into another room to get the outfit she has ready for me. "From what I heard, Stolas wants him to be a sailor. So our themes do kind of match." She says and then disappears into another room before returning with the outfit I'm wearing.

The outfit is still revealing but still covers more than other years. It consists of a lot of pearls and fish nets. The fabric is an off-white. (Photo above. If y'all are big titty bitches just imagine the top is bigger.) I was given sandals that wrapped up my legs as well. 

My styling team returns to do my hair and makeup. They left my face mostly bare but added glitter, blush and stick more pearls onto my face. They curl my hair in tight curls and then run their fingers through to add volume to it while adding more pearls and glitter. By the time they were done I felt like there wasn't a single part of my body that was untouched by the glitter. 

I'm led out to where the chariots are waiting and I see Liam. He's wearing an off-white shirt that was mostly open in the front so you're able to see all the way down to his belly button. The shirt is tucked into black pants with a belt and he's wearing black boots. (I couldn't find a photo but basically think Prince Eric.) His black hair is left loose. "Liam!" I yell out to him and jog over. His head snaps over to me and he looks relieved to see me but once he looks down and see's what I'm wearing his face changes to something I can't name. "What the hell are you wearing?" He asks and by the time I got closer to him the look he was giving me seemed to be something of disgust and discomfort. "Uh, I'm a mermaid?" I question. He wasn't able to continue to voice his complaints because Finnick and Mags join us.

"Are you guy ready?" Finnick asks looking between us but mostly at me. I turn away and direct my attention to Mags and sign to her that I'm ready as I'll ever be. She smiles and puts a comforting hand on my cheek. I smile back at her, feeling the warmth. Liam answers Finnick for the both of us confirming what I had told Mags. 

We're called to get into the chariot since we're from district 4, so our turn would arrive soon. I lift the skirt of sorts I'm wearing to step up so I won't trip over it, but before I can, a hand grabs mine and I look back to see who it was. Finnick. I didn't let him get a word out as I snatched my hand back and step up into the chariot and the horses start trotting forward. I grab the right side to stable myself and link my left arm with Liams. "You're still not talking?" Liam asks me. I turn to him and give him a look of confusion. "You and Finnick." He clarifies. I sigh and look forward once again. "It's not me. It's him. It's been 3 years and now that I'm on the road to possibly getting murdered he wants to talk?" I huff. He lets out a hum but doesn't continue talking as our chariot is soon revealed to the audience that's waiting for us. 

I put a smile on my face and slowly let go of the right side of the chariot to wave to the crowd. The horses begin to speed up and because of the change in speed I start to fall back. Liams left arm is what prevents me from falling and he hauls me back up while I grab the chariot again with my right hand and giggle a bit. The crowd seems to notice this and laughs along with me. 

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