𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 7

150 2 5

<Y/N's POV>

After eating, Wes tucked himself into my arms slowly falling asleep. I was still up, holding him close to keep him warm due to having to put out the fire. The capitol anthem begins to play and I tilt my body back to peak out of the cave, trying not to wake up Wes. 4 people died today, including Liam. When his face appeared a lump in my throat formed. I didn't give myself time to process it so I wouldn't cry because I began to count. I counted how many deaths there had been and how many people were left. Including Wes and I, there were 5 people left. That means the grand finale would begin at any moment. I lay back to try and get some sleep, because if I was right, I was going to need all the energy I could get. 

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

I'm woken up bright and early by the sun hitting my face. I pop the few cricks in my neck and sit up gently. I shake Wes awake and he's startled momentarily before his eyes meet mine and he calms down. "Come on. We gotta get moving." I say in a soft voice. His joints pop as he moves and he gets off of me. I stand and take the canteen of water out of the backpack, handing it to Wes. I sling the backpack onto my back while he takes a swig of the water. He hands the canteen back to me. I take a drink as well, clipping it onto the backpack and we head out. 

I didn't know how far out we were but it would probably be best to head towards the cornucopia if I was right about the finale. "Let's go to the cornucopia. There's only 5 of us left and who knows what they'll do the make things interesting." I say to Wes. He doesn't say anything but agrees with me. 

We must have been pretty far out, because it was starting to get dark and we still hadn't reached the cornucopia. 

All of a sudden I feel the ground rumble. The trees move along with it. Wes and I both stop and listen. I assumed they were trying to do an avalanche but that's when I heard it. An ear piercing roar. 

The time I spent with Ms. Mags back in the district consisted of her telling me stories from before I was born like the 10th Hunger Games. But there was one thing that clung in the back of my mind. Myths that used to be told, and the monsters that it was centered around. She mentioned one that lived in the snowy mountains. The abominable snowman. 

I turn around slowly. Scared that my predictions would be right. A beast at about 9 feet, covered in white fur is what I'm met with. "Go. GO!" I scream to Wes. I knew the game makers made unimaginable things for the games, but this was ridiculous. We both run in the direction we were previously heading in. The cornucopia slowly coming in sight. We hear someone scream, and then a canon. I push Wes to go into the cornucopia to take cover when I get tackled. "(Y/N)!" Wes screams for me. "Don't stop!" I yell back finally getting to look at the person who knocked me down. The girl from district 1 is the one who's pinning me down. "Found you. I was wondering where you were. No one has seen you this entire time. Glad I'll be the one to take down the little siren." She says and gives me a sarcastic pout. 

I try and push her off but fail to do so. Since district 1 was the wealthiest and a career district, she had been training for years already. She was significantly bigger than I was as well as stronger. "Oh no you don't. You aren't going anywhere, not until I kill you at least!" She exclaims and tries plunging her knife into my arm. I move it upwards, barely escaping it but getting a big cut in the process. She grabs my other hand and pins them above my head. "You just made this so much easier for me." She says. She's actually happy to be doing this. She's out of her mind. 

I try getting my hands free when I feel it. The hair pin. I yank it out of my hair and grasp it tightly into my right hand. I mentally prepare myself for what I'm about to do and jam my knee into her stomach. She winces a bit and loosens her hold on me just a bit. I take that opportunity to get my hand free and jab the pin into her neck, repeatedly. I didn't stop cause I was scared she would spring back up. I eventually did once I heard the canon. The girl was slumped onto me and I push her off of me with everything I had. I lay in the red snow, trying to catch my breath. "(Y/n), come, quick." I hear Wes whisper yell. I get up off the ground and trudge over to him into the cornucopia. We tuck ourselves into the far corner of the cornucopia, hoping to be as quiet as we can. 

𝚂𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚗 | 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝙾𝚍𝚊𝚒𝚛 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now