Chapter Five

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"Okay so say a movie and I'll tell you if I've ever seen it," Harry says gently, popping in another grape after another after this three hour long conversation.

I pause, peeling a grape off of the bunch and letting it roll on my tongue. "Twilight?"

"Sappy love story with a werewolf and a vampire... Pfft only seven hundred times because of my wife," he grins, gesturing towards Ashley, as she gathers up her work supplies. "Team Edward all the way."

"At least you have a decency for liking the hot one," Ashley comments, bundling herself up in a light jacket and taking a firm grip of her schedule that was on a clipboard. "Guess you really do have good taste."

"Honestly," is all I manage to muster before taking another handful of grapes for myself. "I've only seen the first movie."

Harry shakes his head while making a 'tsk' noise repeatedly. "I am now firmly placed as the father who has seen more romance movies than his teen daughter. I'm a dissapointment."

"Oh shush," Ashley replies while playfully slapping him, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, as a large grin takes over his face. "We'll be back in a few hours."

I can't help but grin at his gorgeous dimples when he laughs or smiles, it's almost capitulating for how precious they are.

"Okay have fun," Harry replies, getting up from his seat, he nears the living room, putting his hand up and wiggling his fingers as a goodbye in our direction. I slide on my beat up shoes and my gray hoodie, returning a wave. "Don't get into too much trouble you two."

"No promises," I say sarcastically to him, a large smile falling on my lips as Ashley makes her way out to the garage. "We're going to create chaos."

He chuckles and plants a kiss on my forehead before ruffling my head of hair with his hand. "Best of luck with that then."

The butterflies in my stomach can contain themselves and I get a warm tingling sensation all over my body. It was comfort. I was comfortable for once. I had a roof over my head and two people who cared for me. I felt at peace. Most importantly though, I felt at home.

I climb into the passenger seat of the large Range Rover that Ashley adored. Harry told me that if she didn't get it, that she threatened to hold him hostage until she got her way. When he told me that, I couldn't hold myself back from laughing. I even remember going to bed that night still laughing at the thought of something like that being exchanged from Harry and Ashley

I declined to Ashley buying me brand new clothes and simply suggesting going to the thrift store instead, except both of my -now-parents insisted to do so, yet I still felt a pang of guilt bubbling inside me.

"So how is everything going so far while living here?" Ashley questions, buckling up herself and sliding knob on for the radio. The dim light of the vehicle top being the only thing illuminating her face during the dark night. "Is it better than the orphanage?"

Who asks such a silly thing?

I grin in attempt to resign from the question, straightening my back on the car seat and playing with the tips of my brown hair, carelessly dragging my fingers along the split ends. "It's a million times better and truthfully, I'm majorly grateful for my own room and stuff."

"That's great, I hope you'll love it here," She replies. "I know these past few weeks of us all living together has been a little sloppy, but hopefully it'll grow on all of us. We're all adjusting."

I give her a lingering nod, happy that the awkward tension that had been between us the first couple days was finally gone. Now, we were finally acting like mother and daughter. And it's really, really nice.

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