Chapter Twenty-Four

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By the time Harry woke up the movie was long over with and it was reaching dinner time. I noticed how he had a piece of sincerity in the way he yawned and smiled up at me while stretching out his body, which I can't help but to smile back.

"Good morning," his raspy voice says, a small linger falling through when he realizes the movie was over and it was switched to the normal television setup. "Disney?"

"Good Afternoon," I correct him. "It's Meet the Robinsons, it's cute."

He grins, sitting up while his messy and tangled curls spills at the ends. "What time is it?"

"Almost four," I tell him, while his eyes grow wide, probably in wonder on how he slept that amount. "You were pretty tired."

"Damn," He chuckles. "I haven't had a nap in ages."

"You deserved it, Daddy," I say, while he lays himself back on my lap, blinking rapidly to adjust to the light. "You look well rested now."

He nods, a crooked smile forming on his reddened lips. "Bored without me?"

"No!It's fine," I reassure him. "It was a good movie!"

"Wish I could've enjoyed it with you darling," He sighs. "Is your 'mother' home yet?"

I smile at his attempt at calling Ashley my mother, even though he hates her guts and I'm irritated with her at the time being. "No, thankfully."

"You mad at her or something?" He chuckles, his emerald eyes looking into my set of blue ones.

"No," I lie. "Someone called you. I didn't wake you up though because I didn't want to disrupt you."

He bites his lip, running a hand through his hair. "Did you answer it?"

"No. Never," I say, careful to tell him that I'm not the type of person to do such a thing.

He fumbles to find his phone on the side table due to the various amounts of it sliding around on the slick surface, picking it up and reading the display name. "I'll be back in a sec."

I nod, watching him stand up and exit to the next room, phone in hand. The warmth of his presence leaving almost immediately, while I catch what's going on in the movie. After what seems like forever, but was really only like five minutes, Harry strolls back into the room, annoyance woven in his face. "Everything okay Daddy?"

"Yeah it was just Niall asking for me to come out for a few drinks."

"Oh," is all I manage to say, even though I'd wish for him to stay home, I give in my best. "Are you going?"

"And leave my little cutie all alone?" He chuckles, plopping in the area where he once sat when the day just began. "I couldn't."

I blush at the nickname. "I'll be fine."

"I told you I only drink when I'm at home, or else I'll get shit faced," He mumbles, my eyes scanning over his face whilst realizing that there's still a bit of tiredness and exhaustion written in his eyes. "Remember what happened last time?"

I smile at the remembrance of me trying to clean up his spilt wine and where we first at any sort of super intimate interaction. "Yeah."

He returns with a goofy grin, his hand falling in mine. "I can't leave you all alone."

"I'm fifteen," I state."I'll be fine Daddy."

"I trust you," he calmly says, his thumb grazing my hand. "I still just have a small fear that something will happen."

"It'll be fine," I verify, sitting up while inching near him, placing a simple and sweet kiss on his cheek. "All good."

He bites his lip again, nodding. "You sure?"

"Yes," I remind him. "If something goes wrong I'll run across the street to the neighbors and call you."

"Are you sure you're capable of being alone in this state, baby?" He asks, referring to the spawn of Satan inside of me. "I mean, you're miserable and-"

"Just go, Daddy."

He sighs, lifting himself off the couch and reaching to get his wallet from the table. "I'm going to go get ready. Numbers on the fridge, here's some money for some pizza."

"I'm perfectly fine for the food that's here," I say, but he insists, shoving a twenty towards me. "O-okay Thanks."

He gives me another pass of his alluring smile before heading upstairs, the sound of the water pipes chiming from the shower turning on almost immediately.I sigh with delight, happy that Harry can finally be with his friend and is able to interact with someone besides Ashley and I.

While I involuntarily stub my toe on the couch edging, I immediately remind myself of how much a klutz I really am. This living room furniture really isn't doing me any good.

"Zut?" I hear Harry say from across the room while I let out a sharp whine, too busy to look at him because I'm gripping my foot. I arch my eyebrow in a quizzical form, noticing that he was mocking me from when Niall and Him were helping me with my room furniture and when i was oh so 'innocent'."It means darn in French."

"Touché," I say with a rapid glance, his skin in nearly full view, besides the cute patterned body towel hanging off his hips. "I didn't hear the shower go off?"

"Forgot my shampoo," he directs, his finger pointing to the kitchen. "I washed my hair in the sink when Ashley was in the shower yesterday."

I nod, returning a smile his way. "Why didn't you just wait for her to get out?"

He gives a quick shrug, my eyes wandering to his waist, which was accompanied with a towel loosely hanging around it. "She takes too long."

"Did you have somewhere to be?" I say in attempt to make a joke, knowing he actually didn't. "Or did you just not want to talk with her."

"Both," He chuckles, the water droplets on his chest pooling at the hem of the towel, causing something crazy to appear inside of the lower part of my stomach. "Care to join me?"

"As much as I'd love to," I sigh, climbing on to the top of the counter. "Aren't you forgetting I have my monthly visitor?"

"Ah yes...the little spark of satan," He smiles, stepping near me, the height difference increasing between us. "I almost don't want to leave you alone, knowing that you're in so much pain, baby."

I groan, playfully hitting his damp chest with my hand. "Go get ready you goon, you have a playdate to attend."

He presses a quick peck to my lips, rolling his eyes and managing to make his way to the stairs, progressing out of my sight. "If it doesn't involve you it's not a play date, baby girl."


---------Heyyo so this was a chapter we created before we decided to rewrite so wee woo enjoy even though it's been like a century lmao.

Instagram: olivegardune
Snapchat: (i had to make a new one sigh) Somebodyelze

Q&A: favorite artists atm?

A: probably The 1975, The growlers, Cage the elephant, or Tyler the Creator.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2020 ⏰

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