The Thief and the Bandit Part 1

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Zuko grunted as he thrust his hand into a bowl of chilled water, washing his bloody knuckles. He was pushing himself too hard again. He knew he should try to take it easy and let his body adjust and heal, but his frustration always got the best of him. It was even reflecting in how he was training Aang. He pushed him like he pushed himself, physically on the edge of breaking.

They did training sessions after they set up camp or woke up the next morning. Each time Zuko tried his best to train and show Aang Firebending techniques, but with barely any fire at his disposal and Aang's reluctance to bend fire at all, it just ended up with no progress at all. They would do the forms and the exercises, but they would return to camp with nothing changed.

Breathing deeply, Zuko rubbed and massaged his knuckles under the water, frustrated that he couldn't get this right. He was a terrible teacher and wasn't the right master for Aang, and he knew it. During moments like this, he wished his uncle was here. At least then he could offer words of encouragement or take over Aang's training altogether.

"Well, you look like a hot mess."

Zuko turned his head to the entrance of his tent, seeing the blind girl slipping inside. He rolled his eyes as he turned back to the water basin and massaged his fingers submerged under the water. "What do you want?" he questioned as his eyes remained on his task.

"Just curious," Toph shrugged as she walked over to him. "Sugar Queen is still healing up Twinkle Toes' hands, and I was just wondering what the hell happened," she said with a slightly amused smirk.

"It was just training," Zuko said bluntly as he felt the numbness in his fingers.

"Sure it was...," Toph rolled her eyes but moved closer so she was in front of him. "Tell me anyways. Maybe I could copy it for my training with Aang," she joked as she sat down.

Zuko groaned again as he pulled his hands from the water and went to dry them off. "We were punching a tree...," he said and immediately knew he needed to clarify. "The exercise was to focus all our energy into our fist and burn a hole straight through the bark... but as you can clearly see, it didn't work out as planned."

"Well, I don't clearly see anything, so I'll take your word for it," she shrugged smugly as Zuko, in turn, rolled his eyes annoyed.

"Mystery solved. Now is there anything else, or can I get some rest before we pack up and leave," he said in a bit of a sour mood.

"Sure, whatever you say, princess," Toph said as she pushed herself onto her feet and stretched herself. "By the way, dinner is ready if you want a bite."

"I don't, thanks," Zuko said, brushing her off as he wrapped his hand and laid down on his cot, not even looking in her direction as she left his tent.

When Zuko laid his head, he reached under his blanket grasping the golden fan that Suki left for him. The fan that his Uncle returned to him. The fan he promised to return to her. He clutched it tightly in his hand, hoping he could fulfill his promise to her. "Heal, find Uncle, find Suki, go home," Zuko whispered to himself as he shut his eyes. He repeated the words as he lay there, his mind still a torrent of emotions till sleep would claim him.

The next morning it didn't take long for them to get packed and head out. Especially with Sokka scheduling and dictating where they go and how long they can remain camped for. Sure, it may be efficient, but it did get on everyone's nerves.

"Come on, it would save us plenty of time," Sokka argued, holding up his scroll that marked their entire itinerary.

"Sokka, we aren't taking food breaks and potty breaks at the same time," Katara grumbled as she couldn't believe those words even came out of his mouth. Hell, she couldn't believe they came out of her mouth.

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