3 | On the Other Side of the Sea

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Author here.  Jesus Christ why is this story taking off?  I mean i'm trying to make it good, but is it really that good?  Like, I'm genuinely asking.

Anyways, let's check up on how the others are doing. 

Enjoy the chapter!

-The beginning of the chapter brought to you by a Chibi A.I.-chan checking the Hyperion's diagnostics whilst eating some digital Doritos-

The waves gently brushed on the shore, wetting the sand before receding back to the water.  The sun was setting in the west, along the horizon of the beautiful blue ocean, now shining a dark pink with the sun's light.  Streaks of pink, purple, red, orange, and yellow painted the clouds in the sky as a few calls of some seagulls could be heard.

Further inland, where the sand turns to grass, rested a bench.  The bench was wooden, a dark brown with intricate metal supports holding it up on it's sides.  Other than the fancy design on the side, the bench was ordinary, and uninteresting.  What mattered, was what sat on it's wooden seat.

  What mattered, was what sat on it's wooden seat

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A girl, short in stature, sat upon the bench.  Gray hair that curled into three curved ponytails, flowed on her back, her pale skin illuminated by the sunset.  She had a blank look on her face as her gray eyes stared unblinkingly towards the horizon, deep in thought.  She looked like she had put into a coma of mindful thinking, the wind gently brushing against her hair as she took long, deep breaths.  Her chest rising and falling with her expanding and deflating lungs.  She thought she might think forever, but her train of thought had ground to a halt as she heard a voice behind her.

???: "Bronya...?"

The voice was gentle and sweet, the inflection of the voice being that of one who cared

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The voice was gentle and sweet, the inflection of the voice being that of one who cared.  Bronya turned to look towards the source of the voice, to find another girl.  This girl was a bit taller than Bronya by a few inches.  She had dark blue hair in a short, spaced bob cut that barely touched her shoulders. Brighter shades of blue accented the underside of her hair.  The girl had two, beautiful, swirling, deep blue eyes.

Bronya: "Seele..."

Seele: "I thought you might be out here..."

Seele walked towards the bench and sat down next to Bronya, a caring and small smile on her face.

Seele: "What's wrong, Bronya?"

Bronya: "Nothing is wrong, Seele.  I'm fine."

Seele: "Bronya, you clearly aren't.  We've known each other for so long now that I can tell when you're down.  Don't lie to me... okay?"

The blue-haired girl speaks to Bronya in a sweet and caring tone.  The calculatory silver-haired girl looking down in guilt.  Bronya had recently become the next Herrscher of Reason, and had rescued Seele from the Sea of Quanta.  Though with the cost of losing someone else within it's strange depths.

Seele: "Thinking about the Captain?"

Bronya: "Da... Einstein has been scanning through the Sea of Quanta, but she hasn't come up with anything yet."

Seele: "I see..."

Seele turns towards the sunset and stares at the horizon with Bronya, and the two sit in somber silence for some time.

Bronya: "Despite the crew only missing one person, Hyperion feels so empty without him.  Morale on the ship has been an all-time low."

Seele: "I may have not met him, but I can tell he was a kind and brave man from the way everyone speaks about him."

The silver-haired girl sighs sadly.

Bronya: "I know he is alive.  Even if all logic points to his death I... I have a gut feeling that he's still alive."

Seele: "Using your gut, huh?  That's a first."

Seele says sarcastically, a small joking smile curving her lips upwards. Bronya smiles a little in turn.

Bronya:  "Yeah... but not only are we looking for the Captain, but also Idiotka."

Seele: "Mei's looking for her, right?"

Bronya: "Da...  I just hope we can find them and bring them all home soon."


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