6 | Royal Roads To Royal Rewards

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-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Rosaliya and Liliyana play fighting-


Lizardman 1: "*Roaring*"

A bunch of Lizardmen surround a black and gold, fancy looking carriage.  Three men in greenish-yellow uniforms and swords guard the carriage.  Further back, behind the Lizardmen, stands a tall, dark, and menacing man in black, hooded robes.

Mysterious Man: "Heheheh..."

Suddenly, a big bolt of orange flame shoots out of a staff and hits the group of Lizardmen.  The staff was none other than Linse's.

Linse: "Come forth, Fire: Whirling Spiral.  Fire Storm!"

A huge gush of flame bursts from the ground and burns some of the Lizardmen to a crisp.  Elze rushes in from above and attacks another Lizardman with her gauntlets.

Elze: "HYAAAH!"

Bam!  The Lizardmen's head is smashed into the ground, killing it instantly.  Meanwhile, Yae draws her sword and slices another two Lizardmen across the chest in a dashing slash.  However, as she's dashing, she trips over a rock and falls onto her face.

Yae: "Dammit!  Dumb rock!  Huh?-"

A shadow looms over the girl with the pink kimono  as a Lizardman stands above her, preparing to slash down at her.  But just as it's about to attack, a magic circle appears beneath it's feet and it slips and falls on it's back.  A spear of light collides with the chest of the Lizardman, stabbing it in the chest as Yae stands back up.

Y/n: 'Guess these spells are all about how you use them...'

As the battle seemingly ends, the front-line attackers group back up with the back-line magic users.

Yae: "Thanks for the assist Y/n."

Y/n: "I'm just happy he didn't knock into you on the down from his fall.-"

Elze: "What!?"

Elze exclaims as more Lizardman approach them, and they realize the battle is not over yet.  Elze and Yae rush back in, Yae using slashes as Elze punches.  Y/n wants to join in on the fun too, so he ponders to himself a bit.

Y/n: "I wonder..."

Y/n pulls out his katana and uses ice magic on it, freezing the blade and making it look like the Frozen Naraka that Yae Sakura uses.  He does a quick slash as he unsheathes the blade, sending a wave of ice at a group of Lizardmen, freezing their feet.  Y/n runs and jumps off of a rock nearby, and he spins the air, using ice magic on his blade, he extends the length of it before spinning around and slashing all the Lizardmen in one go, cutting them all in half.  The Ice shatters afterwards as Y/n spins his katana around sheathes it.  He looks around and yet theirs still more Lizardmen.

Y/n: "Damn!  Their like hydras!"

Elze: "Jesus, how many are there?!"

Mysterious Man: "Come forth, Darkness!  I seek a scaly monster, Lizardman!"

The Mysterious Man's shadow grows unnaturally and a Lizardman starts stepping out of ground from the dark shadow.

Y/n: "That guy must be some kind of summoner.  They wont stop coming unless we get that guy."

Y/n runs around to the side of all the Lizardmen, lining them all up. He raises his hand and a red magic circle appears in his hand.  He takes his other hand and pretends to pull a pin out of his arm like he's Bakugo from My Hero Academia.

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