10 | Magic Castle Crusade

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Author here...


again Idk what to talk about sooo.... yeah...



-The beginning of the chapter brought to you by Maz humming an out-of-key tune to himself whilst half-covered in blood and smiling with dead look in his vortex eyes-

Maz walks down the blood covered streets of Sector X as he travels along towards Sector W.

Maz: "Hmm... Frel would be fine, and will probably deal with Cycle-1657-A for me... but it's  best to have a contingency plan in case...   Hmmm... who to pick... who to pick..."

Maz holds out arm, a red hologram hovering above his hand as he swipes through several profiles before landing on one.  A tall man with red hair and glasses is shown, steampunk goggles on his forehead.  One side of his head is protruding cogs and gears, and his eyes have steampunk cog-like features to them.

Maz: "Ahhh... Dr. Clockworks.  Impeccable record... medium pay... heh... seems like a good choice.   'Lives in sector W'- AH!  Good.  I'm heading there anyway..."

Maz dispels the hologram as he continues walking.

Maz: "Hopefully I don't accidentally kill him when I rampage through it..."


The Receptionist is drinking a hot chocolate with one hand as he sorts files on his holographic computer in his other hand.  His tired eyes blink individually as he sets his hot chocolate down.

The Receptionist: "Ahhhh... Nothing beats a good hot chocolate..."

A.I. Voice: "Alert!  Honkai Levels at five percent.  Plot Armor unlocked.  Physical and Magical strength increased by one-thousand percent."

The Receptionist: "Hm?  Oh... Guess he decided to fuse himself with him...Must've deemed it necessary..."

The Receptionist turned to look to the door as he hears footsteps come down the hallway, and out emerges a girl with red twintails.

Nyta: "Sir, The Mad One made it past me... I estimate he's on his way to Sector W by now."

The Receptionist: "I see... You need rest.  So get your strength up for another fight, and send in Reila to Sector V."

Nyta: "Understood Sir.  I'll send in Reila."

Footsteps are heard as she walks off in another direction.  The Receptionist sighs in contemplation.

The Receptionist: "Don't let your hatred blind you, Reila."


Einstein:  "...Coordinate point set... we can now track the tear, even when the sea shifts... perhaps we may find the Captain."

Tesla: "We'll have to wait until the others get back since they're all out on mission now... especially with Mei having joined the World Serpent.  And Kiana and Bronya are searching for Fu Hua..."

Einstein: "Yes... I suppose we will have to wait but... this is good progress... I just hope the Captain is alive and well."

Tesla: "Me too, Einstein... Me too..."


Y/n: "*Yawn*"

Y/n sat up in his bed, stretching outwards at the same time as Kohaku, who did a cat stretch at the end of his bed.  He stood up and walked over to his closet to put a new shirt on, and when he reached out he took a double take at his arm.  It was much more muscular than it had been the day before.  

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