12 | Pas de Deux

352 7 4

Frel vs Y/n fight scene!

Also I just finished binge watching Jujutsu Kaisen... so this fight scene might seem a bit like the fight scenes in that show...


-The beginning of the chapter brought to you by Linse enjoying a crepe-


Y/n rushes towards Frel with a fist raised and ready to attack.  He screams in rage tries to punch her but she easily dodges and counters with a jab into the stomach with her elbow, sending Y/n flying backwards and into a large boulder.

Y/n: "Ack-! Hah... hah... sh-shit.... who are you!?"

Frel: "Fuck it... fine... I'll indulge you.  My name is Frel, Cycle 0411-B.  And I've been hired to kill you~."

Y/n: "Wait... but if you have a Cycle number same as me... Why are you trying to kill me?  Who sent you!?"

Frel: "Oh?  Did that cocky bastard at the front desk not tell you?  Wow... he must not care for you at all.~  HehhehaHAHAHAHA!!"

Y/n: "The hell are you on about!?"

Y/n: 'What is she talking about?  What is it The Receptionist hasn't told me?'

Y/n stands up, grabs the boulder behind him and throws it at her, but thousands of slashes are briefly seen in the span of a tenth of a second and the rock dissolves into small pebbles before it reaches her.  But he dashed while it was in front of him and he manages to catch her off guard, landing a punch straight into her stomach, launching her backwards and through a few trees.

Frel: "Agh-!!  FUCK!"

Frel: 'Why is he so strong!? He's not supposed to be this powerful yet!  What happened?'

Frel manages to land on her feet by stabbing her knife into the ground and slowing down before running straight towards Y/n at blazing speeds, rapidly swinging her knife.  Y/n runs backwards and manages to dodge all the rapid fire slices, which to him were slightly slowed down normal knife swings.

Frel: 'His speed too... what the hell is with this guy!?  This is supposed to be easy!'


Y/n catches her swing by her wrist and kicks her away, sending her backwards a few feet.  He follows up with a light spear firing at her but narrowly missing as she dodges to her right, causing the spear to collide with ground and throwing up dirt and stone.

Y/n: 'Damn, she's fast.'

Frel pulls out her butterfly knife to dual wield with her chef's knife and rushes towards Y/n, slicing and dicing the air as she attempts to turn him into a chopped onion.  Y/n barely manages to form some rocks in front of him to act as shields to block the forceful blows from Frel, pushing him back and making trenches in the dirt.  Through each blow, Frel managed to boomerang her butterfly knife around the rocks and fly at Y/n.  He manages to stop it from stabbing into his face at the cost of it stabbing into the palm of his hand.

Y/n: "AGGHH!! SHIT!"

The knife pulls out of his hand, letting his blood spatter onto the ground as it flies straight into Frel's hand.

Frel: "Bloodlust."

She licks the knife of it's blood, and Y/n feels a powerful aura emanate from her.

Y/n: 'The hell!?  Did she just get stronger from that? Ugh... this pain.. 'Recovery'. '

Y/n uses Recovery on his hand, healing it up but before he can attack Frel again, she's already kicked him in the stomach and he coughs up some blood as he's sent hurtling backwards and through several trees.  Frel speeds around the broken trees and obstacles, catching up to Y/n easily and she stabs him in the shoulder, before punching him through a rock in his other shoulder.

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