7 | Nyta

378 14 0

Author here.

Pronounced: Night-UH

First REAL combat scenes.

Also, I know sound does not travel in space, even I live pretty religiously by that rule, but please forgive me for disobeying that law of physics for the sake of cool action sequences.



-The beginning of the chapter brought to you by a chibi, short, female y/n with long red twintails standing in the middle of a street in Sector Y-


The Mad One:  "'Sector Y', eh?  A bunch of empty streets."

???: "The Mad One...  I have come to kill you."

The Mad One: "Oh really?  A little pipsqueak like you?"

Before the tall man stood a short girl, with flaming red hair in twin pigtails.  She looked nine years old but was actually that age, ten thousand fold.  She wore a similar blue coat like the other Y/n's but she had knightly metal armor underneath.  And she wore a fairly grumpy complexion.  However her eyes were her most notable feature, being pure black except a small darker shade of black, being her pupil.  Around her pupil, was an ever shifting, color-changing, Aurora Borealis encircling it.  The aurora changed from green to blue to purple to red and orange, changing constantly as it shined from her eyes.  In hand of the girl rested the handle of a seven foot long, gigantic claymore.

The sword was white, with red color in the middle and a white lattice pattern in the red.  A ruby was encrusted on the center of the handle and a diamond was encrusted on the bottom of the handle.  The handle itself was golden in color, with a cross like guard holding the giant blade.  Said blade was nearly twice the size of the girl holding it with her right hand.

???: "I thought you'd have a better memory.  Especially since I'm the face that put you away."

The Mad One: "Of course!  How could I forget?  'Nyta'...  You know... A lot has changed since we last spoke ninety thousand years ago.  I replaced my arm you so hastily took from me."

The Mad One's arm faded into a blue, metallic left arm, that then splits into two extra appendages.  One red, and another dark green with a hook on it.  They all conform back into one blue arm which disappears as a humanoid arm reappears around it.

Nyta: "What happened to you, Josiah..."

The Mad One: "'Josiah'?... I haven't been called that in a long time... I prefer... 'Maz' nowadays..."

Nyta sighs in disappointment.

Nyta: "I'd say stop murdering the sectors and I won't kill you but I know that trade off wouldn't work..."

'Maz': "Good thinking... How's about this for a trade?  I beat you into a fucking PULP... and you give me my arm back...~"

Maz cracked his knuckles as he sneered with a growl.  His smile grew wider and more insane then before.

Nyta: "Not gonna happen...'Maz'."

Maz: "Try me."

In the blink of an eye, Maz is gone and all is left is a cracked ground where he stood, and he's behind Nyta, poised to attack.  He punches forwards but Nyta easily tilts her head in a dodge, spins around, bringing her sword with her, and knocks Maz away with the blunt part of her blade like a baseball bat.  Maz is sent flying and collides with a nearby building, reducing it to rubble.  Nyta walks towards the rubble, a determined look on her face, as she drags her sword across the ground, leaving scrapes and sparks behind.

That Which Is Real (Action Side) (HI3rd Male Reader Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now