Scary stories

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           Lord Sausage waited eagerly for his visitors. He was so pleased with the results that the Halloween Empire had gotten that even though it was the night after All Hallow's Eve, he invited some of the emperors who hadn't attended last time to come and see the place he and Lady Katherine had built together. He adjusted his zombie mask, the strap of which was getting loose, and was finished fixing it by the time the visitors arrived. Shrub was dressed as a werewolf with her Wolf Spirit mask on as well as some furry gloves that made her hands look like paws. Lizzie was a graceful siren, wearing a pretty shade of red that complemented her pink hair. Joel claimed that he was 'the pirate who gets charmed by the mermaid', although Scott, who came as a vampire, said he couldn't really figure out the costume. 

           "Greetings!" Sausage shouted. "Welcome to the Halloween Empire!" Katherine said, and everyone oohed and aahed. Sausage was doing so as well, even though he was one of the two people who built it from scratch. But he couldn't help it, the dead trees, the blood sheep, the craggy buildings, the weathered stone, the upturned graves- he loved the look of it so much. "So, as you can tell, it's Halloween! And me and Katherine have prepared some tricks and some treats for you. Just knock on the door, and see which one you get! We'll meet in the mini church of the blood sheep when we're done!" 

           Everyone immediately went straight to knocking on all the tiny houses. Lizzie was so happy when he was given a diamond block, and everyone was happy for him too. Except Joel, after a while, because he was just getting a big load of nothing. Sausage helped him out by checking to see if all the tricks and the treats were all gone, and then giving the rest to the Mezalean king. The time when Mezalea and Mythland feuded over trivial things were over, and everyone was at peace. 

           When everyone had gotten their fair share of tricks and treats, except for Joel, who got mostly tricks and barely any treats, they all rendezvoused at the mock church of the blood sheep like Sausage had told them to. When they were inside, Katherine lit all the candles inside the soul lanterns, and the stuffy pew was filled with the dim light and the moonbeams filtering in through the cracked and dusty windows. Shrub busied herself with dusting the glass for a few minutes to let more light in, but after everyone complained of dust allergies, the gnome just went back to her seat. The dust that she swept off just landed on the other window anyway, so there was practically no point to trying to clean up. 

           The emperors sat down on benches in various states of stability; the one that Lizzie sat on splintered under her weight. They began to talk about how many treats they'd gotten and how many tricks, and which ones they got. Sausage waited for everyone to tire of the conversation before he dropped his idea on them. "So, anyone know any spooky stories?" He asked, and a couple hands went up. "Okay, then, let's have a contest! After we're all done telling stories, we can vote on the one we think is the most scary! I'll go last. Who goes first?"

           Lizzie went first. "Here's a scary story. Once upon a time, there was this person who lived in a normal house. She heard her mother tell her to come down for dinner, so she did. But when she left her room to do so, someone grabbed her and prevented her from going down. She panicked, but stopped when she realized it was her mother. Then she panicked again because she realized it was her mother." Everyone waited a beat. "That's it?" Joel snorted. "Yeah, I assumed Sausage wanted a short story so he could blow everyone away with his. He always wins these sort of weird competitions. Then again, it's a spooky story contest, not a weird one. But I already submitted my entry, so oopsie daisy." 

           Shrub wanted to go next. "I've got a cautionary tale that gnomes have been telling for thousands of years," She said. "So, once upon a time, there was this girl who lived in a dark oak forest with her mother and her cat. The girl loved the woods and the flora and fauna that lived in it. Everyday, she'd frolic around the trees, and play with all the animals. One day, she found something she hadn't seen before. A troop of brown mushrooms, growing in the dirt. Curious, she picked one and ate it. She felt fine, so she ate some more, because they tasted really good. She ate the whole troop, because nothing bad happened. When she got home, however, that's when the trouble began." 

           "What happened?" Joel asked. Shrub smiled. "When the girl got home, she looked for her cat. But she couldn't find him. She only found a strange monster that acted just like her cat, prowling around her house. Scared, she threw everything at it, and with a horrifying meow, the monster fled and was never seen again." "The story ended too fast to be spooky," Lizzie said. "I'm not finished yet. The girl looked around for her cat again, and then when she couldn't find him, she looked for her mother, thinking that maybe they took it out. But she couldn't find her mom either. There was another monster that, when it spoke, sounded just like her mom. It reached out toward her, and the girl started throwing things at it too, just like with the other creature. The monster tried to trick her by pleading with the girl in her mother's voice, but the girl wouldn't fall for it. A well-thrown knife killed the strange thing that had invaded her house, and it never spoke again." 

           "Still too quick to be scary," Lizzie said, but she was shaking slightly. "I'm still not done!" Shrub said, a little frustrated. "Anyway, the girl waited around for her mother to return, but she never came. Hungry, the girl went out into the woods and picked more of the tasty brown mushrooms she had found. She ate them as she went home, but a terrible sight met her when she arrived at her house. Her mother was lying dead on the floor, the knife in her chest. Scared, the girl ran to her room, but her bed had transformed into a four-legged beast with spikes and teeth that looked ready to eat her. The girl ran outside, but the rug was now a giant flattened frog that made noises when she stepped on it, the kitchen utensils were floating around and looking to stab her like she had her mother, and the books on the shelf were cutting her up with a thousand paper cuts. The girl left her house and never came back." 

           This time Lizzie didn't say anything, but Shrub still wasn't finished. "The girl lived alone in the dark oak forest, constantly eating the brown mushrooms, and everyday strange creatures would attack her and she'd have to fight them off. Her animal friends were gone, and she never met anyone she knew. Finally, tired of a life of constant fear, the girl stopped eating and starved to death, the brown mushrooms growing off of her corpse." "Finally done?" Sausage asked. "Nope. The mushrooms took over her dead body and reanimated it. Now it stalks the woods with unseeing eyes and lifeless limbs, the mushrooms thriving. Legend has it, the the girl still roams that dark oak forest, eating all the mushrooms so that no one else can get to it like she did. But they still keep growing back." 

           "Okay, now my turn to give a scary story!" Sausage said, before anyone could make any freaked-out comments. "So, once upon a time, there was a sausage. That sausage was a king who really liked to use magic and made some terrible decisions in life." Katherine was shaking her head; she knew what Sausage was talking about. "So the sausage made a deal with a demon to get more magic, but the demon tricked him. Now that demon had his puppet hands inside the sausage, and he could make him do whatever he wanted. The sausage ended up attacking his own friends, and one of those friends had to kill him before he could do anything else bad." 

           "That was Gem, right?" Shrub asked. "Yup. So anyway, the sausage came back uncorrupted and free from the demon. But when his friend had killed him, she accidentally split him into his good and evil sides. The evil side came back to get revenge on his good side, planning to destroy everything he owned and kill everyone he cared about. But the sausage was prepared. He sent his evil self to another dimension where he'll live out the rest of his days. He killed everyone in that dimension already, though, and he swears to do the same in this dimension. He can't do that until he escapes, but when he does, everyone's doomed unless the sausage can save them. So, now I'm done, let's vote on who has the scariest story!" Everyone voted for Shrub's story, except for Joel. "I didn't find any of the stories scary. I mean, Lizzie's was too short, Shrub's was kind of interesting but I don't understand mushrooms, and Sausage's was just plain weird. Was that supposed to be scary?"

           "Oh," Sausage said, "I didn't get to the scary part yet. Thanks for reminding me. The scary part is that this happened in real life, so my evil half might still come to this dimension and kill you all." 

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