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           Gregory yawned, feeling bored. His dad, Oli, was away at some important meeting that all the emperors had to attend to, and so his adopted ender dragon son had to be left at home by himself. Greg usually didn't mind his dad not being around; Oli, as a bard, liked to travel a lot, and when he didn't bring Gregory with him, he usually had Eddie or Maria come by to babysit him. But today, there were no babysitters. And so Greggy had no one to amuse him but himself. He rolled around on the floor, bumping into a lot of things, the remains of his egg protecting him from hurting himself. Even though he'd already hatched, Greg like wearing his cracked eggshell on like armor. Apparently baby snakes did something similar, or something like that. 

           Rolling around didn't make him any less bored, though. So he got up and left the tent, checking to see if there was anything outside that could interest him. There was nothing. Even the seagulls, which usually spent all their time trying to poop on him, weren't around. There was just the crashing of the waves onto the Olipeligan beach, nearly putting out the campfire that Oli cooked their dinner on and never put out himself. One day his negligence would come back to bite him by shooting a stray ember at the colorful tent they called home, setting it alight and burning it all down, but it had somehow not yet happened. 

           Grumbling, Greggy went back inside and started poking his nose around Oli's stuff. Oli collected a lot of random stuff on his many travels, most of them useless, and he left them lying around all over the place. There was a wither skeleton head, a broken wooden hoe, a banner with a pattern that made no sense whatsoever, a golden apple that had a bite in it, two maps of the surrounding empires, and a book about dragons. Oli had tried to teach Greg how to read with that book, because Greg was apparently a creatures called an ender dragon, and Gregory was actually learning the alphabet pretty well. 

           Maybe he could read the whole book by himself and amuse himself that way. So he nosed the book open and started reading. He couldn't understand most of it, unfortunately, but he could figure out some of the words. Greg learned that ender dragons lived in the end and people were always trying to kill them and steal their eggs. Oli had told him the story of how he'd done just that. Greg let himself wonder what would have happened if he'd just hatched with his reptilian mom instead of his funny bard dad, but he didn't really miss her. He was just being curious because he was so bored. 

           He got an idea, though. What if he went to the end? Maybe there were more ender dragons out there and he could go meet them. Gregory even knew how to get to the end. All he had to do was jump through something called an end portal and he'd get there. He knew where the end portal was; Oli had noted its location down on his two maps. One was made before all the other empires popped up, and the other afterwards, so Greggy looked at the recent one. It showed the end portal was in Gobland. Greg knew how to get there. He'd performed there, once, with Oli, trying to earn diamonds to pay off a debt. And he'd memorized the way. Oli kind of used his son as a mount instead of riding a horse.

           Sausage waited until everyone had sat down on their respective chairs to make his announcement. All the emperors were at spawn, where they sat around a campfire on seats that had their names labelled on them. False didn't have one, though, so now there was one person left standing. She didn't mind, at least. Sausage cleared his throat. "Okay, so I have called a meeting here to tell you guys to not go to the end! Or the nether." "Why?" Joel asked. "Because I might have done a multiversal issue thingy, so uh, travelling to another dimension isn't going to be safe for a little while; Bubbles will tell me when she's fixed the mess I've made," Sausage explained sheepishly, and held up his magic staff, which was sparking and looking like it would do something it shouldn't. 

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