The adventures of Sir Carlos

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           On a stormy sea in the dead of night, one lone boat sailed the treacherous waves. This was the ship of Sir Carlos of Mythland. A chicken. But woe to those who underestimate him. The bird had always proven himself capable of dealing with any situation in the past, which was why he was sailing on a boat that require more than one person alone.

           Or rather, that was only half the reason. The chicken stared at the latest letter that he had gotten from his dear friend Lord Sausage of Mythland, given to him by a seagull that was used to deliver messages between the two friends; one of which travelled the many seas on great adventures and the other got up to questionably odd shenanigans way too often. 

           The letter from Sausage had told him of recent events happening in the land-based empires. One letter detailed a demon attack, blood red corruption spreading around the empires, the death of an ender dragon, Sausage making a perfectly fine deal with said demon and becoming friends with him, and according to the ruler it was all perfectly normal and he was hoping Sir Carlos could make it to Mythland soon so they could catch up on things in person. 

           Despite Sausage's nonchalant attitude leaking from the letter, Sir Carlos felt a sense of dread fill him to his very core. Sausage had made a deal with the demon. Of course that lovable idiot had made a deal with a demon. Once Sir Carlos arrived at Mythland he was going to have a word with that emperor. 

           Or should he? The letter had been written who knows how long ago; seagulls weren't exactly fast flyers and they were quite too easily distracted. Once Sir Carlos' letter to Sausage had been waylaid for a month because the delivery seagull had decided to race a sea turtle all around the Ocean Empire and forgetting about his cargo. And the letter had mentioned that Sausage had been doing some... questionable acts already. 

           The corruption was already taking deep hold of the emperor and Sir Carlos didn't like it. He didn't think that just telling Sausage to let go was going to be enough by this point; his adopted cousin Bubbles would've surely tried and she'd apparently failed, considering what else the letter had said. No, the adventurous chicken had to help his friend some other way. 

           First of all, though, Sir Carlos had to research into said demon and corruption. It wouldn't be that hard; the chicken had a surprisingly in-depth library in his personal ship and an alarming amount of books on the occult and dark magicks. And demons were beings that were oddly recorded a lot about. So the chicken descended into his library, pulled some books off the shelves, and began to read.

           After learning what he deemed to be enough about Xornoth and his corruption, Sir Carlos thought he had an idea about how to help Sausage. If he was correct about the type of corruption that Sausage was experiencing, then he could be cured of it by dying and then coming back to life. He just needed a certain magic artifact to actually do the come back to life part.

           There was just one problem. The magical artifact didn't exist. Yet. Sir Carlos was pretty knowledgeable in various types of magic to know how to make it, but then came the next big problem. He needed elder guardian blood. Which meant he had to kill an elder guardian. Which lived in underwater temples. Which were underwater. And water wasn't exactly a chicken's strong suit. 

           But Sir Carlos would do anything for his friend. So he plotted course to the nearest underwater temple and while he sailed he prepared the stuff he needed. Water breathing potions. Riptide tridents. Turtle shell armor, because those were one of the few armors that were light enough for a chicken to wear and still be able to protect the wearer. They also had the added benefit of doing well underwater. 

           Soon Sir Carlos' boat was right over the temple. Armed with all his tools, the chicken took a deep breath and then jumped into the water. He wasted no time, using his trident to dive deep down to the prismarine temples. 

           He barely had any time to admire the architecture. The guardians and elder guardians with their ancient magic could do strange wonders the likes of which the world of the land had never seen. It was why their blood had certain magical properties, and why Sir Carlos needed it to fix Sausage. 

           He swam past a guardian, his feathers ruffling uncomfortably. The guardian noticed him but before it could strike Sir Carlos used his trident and speared it straight through its eye before retrieving his weapon. Then the chicken spun around and speared another one nearby. Once all the guardians patrolling outside were slain, he swam into the temple to face the elder guardian. 

           The elder guardian was lounging on a throne of shells in the middle of the teal palace. It blinked at the chicken swimming towards it, taking a few seconds to comprehend what was happening before it struck. A blast of magic from its cycloptic eye nearly knocked Sir Carlos unconscious, but he'd faced worse hits. He shrugged it off and threw his trident. 

           The great fish moved too quickly, a mere snow-gray blur as the trident bounced off impenetrable scales. Sir Carlos cursed; he'd missed. The only way to hurt an elder guardian was through its eye. But that was where its magic came out of. 

           Another blast knocked a piece of the chicken's turtle shell armor and Sir Carlos swam frantically to retrieve his weapon, feathers flapping uselessly. The elder guardian circled for the kill. Just in time, a wingtip brushed the smooth copper metal and the chicken was behind the fish in an instant. Confused, the elder guardian turned around, just as Sir Carlos drove the three-pronged spear into its eye. 

           Blood leaked out into the water and the fish flailed and died. Sir Carlos grabbed some seaweed rope and tied the fish's tail to his belt and then started to swim out of the temple, his haul in tow. As the chicken cleared the temple he could feel the water breathing potion wearing off. Quickly he tossed his trident upward and with a great splash, he and his catch burst out of the water and landed with a wet splat onto the deck of his ship. 

           He severed the elder guardian's head off and then stuffed it as a trophy of his little adventure. Then he peeled the individual scales off and wondered what kind of armor could be made with it. The remaining blood that hadn't leaked into the salty ocean water pooled onto his deck and the chicken sighed when he thought of how much work he'd have to do to clean it. Nevertheless, he collected the blood in a bucket and got to work on Sausage's artifact. 

           Some time later, the chicken finished knitting a shawl for the Mythland king, laced with elder guardian blood and imbued with its strange magic. As long as Sausage wore it when he died, he would be able to return from the spirit realm with Bubbles' help and then come back uncorrupted. Sir Carlos just hoped that all of his efforts were in time. 

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