Lizzie's landarium

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           Lizzie swam around her watery empire, feeling happy. Swimming was her way to unwind, other than pranking Joel, of course. But she was feeling bored. She needed something to really spice up her day, like the time she was a tour guide, showing off the ocean to her fellow emperors. Just as she was thinking that, Lizzie swam by her landarium that she'd built to show her fish citizens who couldn't breath out of water what creatures lived on land. It gave her an idea. A very good idea. She'd become tour guide again, but this time she'd be a landarium guide. 

           "Joel! I need you to entertain me!" Lizzie shouted as she flew over Mezalea, looking for her husband. She found him talking to Scott next to his palace. "Yes, Lizzie?" Joel asked boredly. "I have a landarium and I want to tour the emperors around it," Lizzie said. Scott raised an eyebrow. "A landarium?" "Yes, it's like those weird aquarium things that you guys have except mine is underwater and it's for land creatures." "Of course you have one." "So anyway, you two are coming and you have no say in the matter!" Lizzie told them. "Okay," Scott and Joel said resignedly. 

           "Jimmy! My dear little brother!" Lizzie called, visiting the cod empire next. He was on the aquarium bridge having a heated discussion with Sausage, who was on his bridge, about whose was bigger. "Oh, hey, Lizzie!" Sausage said, waving. Jimmy turned around and greeted her. "Hello, Lizzie!" "Oceans blessings to the both of you! Now, do you guys want to see my landarium?" "Yes!" Sausage said instantly. Lizzie wondered if he even knew what a landarium was; either way he wasn't questioning it. "Uh, okay," Jimmy said, after looking at Lizzie's firm expression. He got the feeling that no matter what he said, his older sister was going to drag him along anyway. 

           Lizzie brought the emperors to the docks where she'd first toured them to address them properly. "Okay, since the landarium is underwater, you need to drink these water breathing potions." She passed out four to the assembled emperors; fWhip had decided to tag along when Sausage told him about the trip. "Okay, now that you have your potions, we shall now descend into the water. Follow the prismarine path I've set up, and I will show you around my landarium. As we see the different exhibits, I will tell you about the various animals contained within. Feel free to ask me any questions as we go along!" 

           "Uh, Lizzie, we can't talk to you while we're underwater," Jimmy pointed out. Lizzie stared at him for a moment. "Jimmy, they're using water breathing potions, they let you talk underwater." "Wait, they do?" "Yes, of course they do," Joel said. Jimmy turned red and tried to defend himself. "Well, how was I supposed to know that? I never needed to use water breathing potions!" "I live in the mountains and never needed to use it either, Jimmy, but I still know about that effect!" Scott snorted. Jimmy turned an even darker shade of red. "Hey, no bullying my little brother, that's my job," Lizzie told them. "And he hatched from a slightly damaged egg, of course his brain's addled." "Let's just go down already," Jimmy whispered, looking like a beetroot. 

           So they descended down into the water and quickly found the prismarine path that Lizzie had built into the ocean floor. She spotted Scott eying it suspiciously, though, so she retorted, "What? Did you think that since fish could swim they wouldn't use roads? What kind of person are you? Fish can use roads whenever they want to!" "Lizzie, calm down please," Scott said, backing off. So instead of swimming, the emperors started walking on the path instead. Soon they saw giant bubbled imbedded in the seafloor, with strange biomes within them. 

           "Welcome to my landarium. As you can see, I've contained several amazing land creatures within my magic bubbles for all of you to view," Lizzie said, and pointed to the first bubble. "This is a raptor captured from the jungles of the Lost Empire." They looked and saw that Lizzie had somehow grown a jungle inside a bubble, complete with bamboo shoots and a tree overgrown with long leaves and vines. The raptor lazed around inside it, grinning eerily, inside a miniature temple that resembled Joey's jungle temples and apparently served as a doghouse of some sort. 

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