The wizard of the empires

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           Shrub Berry ran. She ran and ran and ran and ran. Her home, the homeland of the gnomes, was taken over by corruption. And it was chasing her. She ran and ran and ran and ran and was that a flash of purple she saw when she ran but she kept on running. She wasn't even looking where she was going anymore she just kept on running. Her faithful wolf, Moon, ran with her, keeping her safe from harm. 

           Eventually Shrub just collapsed from exhaustion and fell asleep, Moon laying his great head on top of the little gnome and keeping an eye out for potential dangers. Sooner or later, Shrub woke up, and realized she'd run farther than she'd ever expected. The giant mushrooms of her homeland were completely gone, and the trees surrounding her were of a jungle kind she'd never seen before. Shrub was lost. And she didn't know how to get back home. 

           She and Moon walked around for hours, possibly going in circles, but sooner or later they left the thick jungle and found themselves near a tall mountain. Shrub thought that if she climbed the mountain to the very top she could get a really good vantage point from there and she could see which way was home. So she and Moon hiked all the way up the mountain. 

           When they reached the top, they found a village. It had a lot of moon decor and boasted mostly purple colors. Shrub climbed a tree and looked around for the telltale giant mushrooms of her home. But they were nowhere in sight. "How long have I been running?" She asked softly. Without warning, she started to cry. How was she supposed to get home if she couldn't find it?

           "Why are you crying?" Shrub turned and saw a lady with red braided hair and a purple cloak and large witch hat looking at her concernedly. The gnome dried her tears and tried to be presentable as she explained her predicament. "Oh, and, I'm Shrub, what's your name?" Shrub asked, remembering her manners at the last second. 

           "I'm the Wizard Gem of the south," Said Gem. "You're a wizard? But you're a girl," Shrub frowned. Gem scowled. "Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't be a wizard. There's the witch of the north who's a boy but that doesn't stop him from being a witch." "Uh, okay," Shrub said. Then she had an idea. "Wait, if you're a wizard, can you help me get home?" 

           Gem considered for a second. "Look, the corruption's affecting the empires here too," She said. "If you help defeat the demon, then I'll help you get home." "Demon?" Shrub asked quaveringly. "The demon Xornoth, who's responsible for the corruption," Gem explained. "He resides in the west right now. I'm sorry I can't help you right now, but Xornoth's corruption is keeping my hands full. Now, if you defeat him for all of us then I'll have time to help you get back." 

          "Deal," Shrub said without hesitating. She would do anything to get home. Gem smiled. "Okay, just head west, in the direction of the corruption, and if you defeat Xornoth just come back and I'll take you home." Shrub excitedly told Moon the plan and they practically rushed down the mountain to head west. It was only later that day when she realized that the wizard had said 'if'. 

           Shrub followed a red road of corruption that pointed towards the setting sun to be sure she was heading the right way. As she did, she and Moon eventually found themselves in a field of wheat and sunflowers. A scarecrow stood on a pole in the middle of the field, and Shrub and Moon passed by it. Then the scarecrow said, "Hello!" 

         They jumped back in surprise and Moon growled. "Oh, um, hello!" Shrub said, staring at the scarecrow who talked. The scarecrow smiled. "I'm Pearl," She said. "What's your name?" "Shrub," Shrub stammered. "And this is Moon. You can talk." "Yeah, I know that's not normal," Pearl shrugged, or at least she tried to; it was hard to shrug on a pole. "See, there's this king who likes practicing magic and he wanted to see if he could bring a scarecrow to life. So here I am!" 

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