Chapter Thirty-Two

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[ Royal Moments ]

[ Chapter Thirty-One: Are you my Prince, or my Princess?  ]

Age: 21

THE FOUR MAIN LADIES IN MY LIFE (Mom & Mia, Grandma & Charlotte) teamed up to give me a gender reveal party. And today was the day, and everyone was invited except for the paparazzi and the reporters since we didn't want this to be an open affair. Even the von Trokens were here with the Prime Minister Sebastian near them with his wife, Sheila and daughter, Marissa to keep an eye them despite that we had been civil for a while.

"Welcome to our gender reveal party. First one I ever been to If I'm being honest." Jeremiah confessed to the microphone making everyone nod since Grandma Clarisse had seen a party similar on the internet and showed it to the other hosts 

"It is a big moment, we are one prick away from finding our baby's gender!" I exclaimed into the microphone as my Mom handed Jeremiah a huge black balloon

We were on the stage with Rupert clinging to my leg, confusion and excitement in his face at todays event. I held Nadia with one arm at my side, since she wasn't that heavy for me to carry yet and I wanted to have precious moments with her before the baby was born. My mom cleared her throat, catching my attention before she nodded her head to my grandmother.

"Thank you all for coming to celebrate the upcoming birth of Genovia's little Prince or Princess! We shall see what the fates had stored in for Queen Rosemarie and King Consort Jeremiah. Please, pay attention up ahead where Princess Amelia is at." Grandma indicated, gesturing her hand forward and I glanced to see what she was looking at 

"Instead of shooting a flaming arrow, Mia is going to shoot an ordinary arrow through the ballon which is filled with either pink or blue confetti." Grandma explained to everyone as Mia waved with her free hand from where she stood on wooden box

"Please, step aside everyone. I do not want a repeat like with the Gardener." Mia spoke up into the microphone Lilly held up to her and I giggled at her words in remembrance 

"Here Jeremiah." This time Jeremiah's mother came up to us with a small weight to hold the string of the balloon up

"Thanks, Mom. For coming." Jeremiah thanked his mother, and she smiled up at him with tears in her eyes

"Always, you're my baby." His mother told him softly and he grinned down at her before he went to scoop Rupert in his arms making him squeal

"And you're my baby." Jeremiah told Rupert, kissing him on the forehead, not caring that everyone could see the clear affection he had for him, "And Nadia is my baby. And the baby is my baby." 

"You're an amazing father." I reminded Jeremiah with a grin as we cleared off the stage, standing at the side to get a clear view

"The gender reveal party shooting of an ordinary arrow through the balloon." The Majordomo, who I'm pretty sure is having a thing with Lilly, announced loudly to everyone at the party 

Mia lifted her arrow up in the air along with her bow, and she pulled it back at a certain angle before releasing it. I cheered along with the crowd as the arrow sailed it's way into the balloon, prickling it. Jeremiah and Rupert cheered louder when the confetti spilled out pink, and I would've jumped as well but I didn't want to jostle myself or Nadia. 

"Can you believe it, Nadia? You're going to have a baby sister." I whispered to my youngest and I pressed a kiss against her cheek 

"Everyone give it up for Genovia's upcoming Princess." Michael cheered into the microphone where he stood alongside his band and I grinned widely at him, "Congratulations to my best friends!" 

"We're having another girl!" Jeremiah exclaimed to me excitedly and I nodded my head, before he brought me into a kiss making everyone cheer louder 

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