Chapter Twelve

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[ Royal Moments ]

[ Chapter Twelve: The Magician, The Musician & The Princess ]

AGE: 15

"HERE YOU GO," THE MAN INSIDE THE FOOD TRUCK said as he passed Jeremiah, Michael, and me our very own boxes of pizza

"Thank you. You two are disgusting." I hissed at my boyfriend and best friend as we started to walk back towards a table 

"He can't help that he's been wanting M&Ms on his pizza and I love tiny slices of hot dogs." Jeremiah defended Michael and himself as the former snickered in amusement 

"You know, actually, I always thought that M&Ms would go great on cheese pizza. Just never could get anyone to make it." Michael noted as the waiter walked away from the table after she cleaned it 

"You know, in my perfect universe, there would be a happy Mary who has a very normal boyfriend and a normal best friend who likes normal toppings on a pizza. Isn't that weird?" I asked them with a smirk on my lips, giggling slightly as I sat down on the chair 

"Mia eats her pizza backward." Jeremiah reminded me as we all opened our pizzas and I did my best to hide my gag at the sight of Michael's pizza

"Am I weird?" Michael asked us softly, and I sighed, glancing at my pizza and then at Jeremiah's and afterward at his

"Weird cause of your topping? Yes. Weird cause you are a mechanic? No." Jeremiah said to him, trying to comfort him

"Though do some people think it's weird? Yes, especially the rich kids but mostly Lana and her friends. Do we think you're weird? No." I added afterwards, reaching to take a slice of Michael's pizza and ate it, grinning at him though I could feel a grimace coming up

"I love you. You can spit it out now." Michael said and I shook my head, disagreeing before taking a deep breath and continued to eat the pizza, feeling the crunchiness of the M&Ms

ROYAL MOMENTS | JEREMIAH HART³Where stories live. Discover now