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𝘎𝘭𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦


Why does everyone think her and Hawk are together? Why did it become this massive rumour?

She didn't even like Hawk. Well, she didn't think that she did. Love was a really complicated feeling.

But that wasn't the point.

Marlee stood in class, her eyebrows deeply furrowed as she was completely zoned out. "Bishop, get your head out of the clouds, I want you to hear this" Sensei Lawrence said, the blondes attention snapping towards him. 

"Huh?" She muttered, her friends all staring at her confusedly.

"What I said was, Mr. Kreese will no longer be joining us" he repeated, glancing around the room. The blondes jaw dropped a litte bit and she glanced behind her at Tory.

"I made a promise when I became your Sensei, to always look out for your best interests. Despite how hard this may be for all of us, I'm afraid he didn't have our best interest at heart"

He walk around the room, still speaking, with Marlee's attention now fully on him. "John Kreese may have founded Cobra Kai, but he no longer represents what this dojo stands for"

"His Cobra Kai was old and outdated. He refused to move forward and what happens when we do that, Mr. Diaz?"

"You get stuck like cement" Miguel spoke lowly, his eyebrows slightly furrowed as well.

"That's correct. To be a great fighter you gotta learn to adapt"

He was right. You do have to learn to adapt. It's a part if life, and if you don't, you will get stuck like cement. Just like her.

"This creed on the wall. Follow it to the letter, it'll make you strong. It'll make you formidable" he paused for a minute. "It'll also make you an asshole"

"But that's just black paint on a white wall. But life's not black and white. More often than that, it's grey. And it's in those grey areas where Johnny Lawrence's Cobra Kai, sometimes shows mercy"

Marlee's lips slightly fell open, her eyebrows raised just a little bit in shock. "Doesn't mean you can't be badass, it's still a requirement. But you have to learn to think not just with your gut, or your first. But to really use" He tapped on the side of his head. "This"

𝙅𝙐𝙉𝙀 2018, eli moskowitz/hawkWhere stories live. Discover now