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Leonardo's POV/

"Raph behind you!"

"Ugh! Thanks Leo!"

"Donnie have you stopped it yet!?"

"How can I when I'm being ATTACKED!?"

"SORRY! geez bro...." The foot.....great just what we needed. We were out on our nightly patrol, when Mikey out of all of us....MIKEY! Found a mutagen chamber that was plugged into the water piping throughout all of New York. Apparently they want to turn people into freaks like usual. ( T_T)

"Leo! Look! They-they're retreating!?"Mikey pointed to the cowards who call them selves ninja.

"Got it!" Donnie yelled across the roof to us. Almost on cue as they ran away. I'm guessing they thought they would get infected if they stayed any longer.

"Really!? I thought you couldn't because you were being attacked!?" I teased back, but that got me a glare....and a rage fit.

"Well....when Mikey said they were running all I had to do was push the BIG RED BUTTON THAT SAID STOP ON IT! ANY OF YOU......EVEN MIKEY COULD'VE PUSHED IT!" Geeeeeeeesh dude cool it. "Any ways I didn't fully stop least two bath tubs full got flushed down before I could. I have no idea where it is going, but lets just hope it doesn't infect any one." Ok now I just wanna go home.

Girls POV/


"Mom I'm getting in the shower!"

"Alright honey...make sure not to use up all of the hot water!"

"Ok!" I walked into the bathroom, my weirdly natural bleach blonde hair saying back and forth. I strip down and turn on the hot water. I step in letting my stressed body relax. I grab my conditioner and run it through my hair. I look down at the tips of my hair which I just got dip dyed ice blue, but what I saw wasn't blue it was pink! Omigod! What is happening! I try I turn of the water but the pink goop just keeps flowing out. I finally get it turned off and grab a towel. I run to my room goop clinging to me as I run. I finally sit down and wipe as much as I can off. I then put some into a jar because it looked cool. I then put on some pjs and sit down on my desk chair. I stare at my rare albino ice lizard. I don't really know what species it is ,but it looked cool so I brought it back home. I've had her ever sense I was about 7, now I'm 15. Her name is Everest and I love her to death. I then lift the lid of her tank and pull her out. I let her crawl up my arm and on my shoulders. tickles. But then it changes into a sever burning itch. I quickly try to put Everest back into her tank, but I collapse to the floor and everything goes black......


I sit on my bed room floor with my pet fire gecko, Flare. She has the coolest scales I have ever seen. They are like flames! Her body is mainly red but some are scarlet an some are pale orange, it is sooo cool! We were watching some pro wrestling when I felt like getting some water. I hit pause and put flare on my shoulder which she gladly fell asleep on. I walk down the stairs, quietly not to wake my mom or dad. They are lawyers, so I've pretty much always been expected to be a polite and extinguished princess for them. But here is what I've come up with for the past few years. When parents want their kid to be one thing, the kid is goes and wants to be the exact opposite. I don't know what I wanna be, but it's definitely not a lawyer or doctor or anything in that boring category. When I get down stairs I put my headphones in and quietly dance around the kitchen looking for a cup. I grab one throw it up in the air and catch it. I start to pour the water in. I close my eyes still dancing to the music that was blaring in my ears. I run back up stairs and hit play on the tv. I quickly take a sip of water.

*gag!* THAT IS NOT WATER! I look into the half empty cup and see glowing pink goop! I start burning all over. I can't stop shaking.....I-I think I'm gonna be sick. Next thing I know I'm curled into a ball on the floor and black dots come into my vision and everything goes black.


I'm sitting at my desk staring at the pink goop that came out of my sink. I've been wondering what it is exactly. I tested it on a fly....that didn't work so well. It grew about 3 feet taller and then flew out the window! Now I'm just sitting here exhausted. I look over at my pet jeweled lacerta lizard. She nods her head, almost reading my mind and wanting to do what I was considering in my thoughts. I nod back, I then put some of the goop onto my hands and rub it all around. Crystal then crawls into the palms of my hands and stands there looking around. She then looks up at me and tilts her head. I swear sometimes its like she is part human. She then stiffens and her eyes glaze over. I then start to feel a burning sensation run from my hands throughout my body. I then stiffen up, my eyes also glaze over and everything blurs into black.


"Finally done!" I'm done with the cupcakes now for the frosting. I look all around for something to frost my cupcakes with, my eye catches something. The sink fills up with this pink gooey stuff. I shrug and put some into a cup. I then spread it on top of a cup cake, and take the delicious looking treat upstairs. Before I start eating I take my pet chameleon out of her tank and let her lick some of the goop off of my finger. Nothin happens so I take a bite......EWWWW! WORST CUPCAKE EVER! My body starts to tremble and shake. I grab my chameleon before I fall onto my bed. I curl up into a ball shivering and hyperventilating. I close my eyes wishing this torture would end. But before it does May-lees body goes limp in my hands. And then so do I letting the darkness consume us both.....


I wake up on my bed were I last held my pet chameleon after eating that nasty cupcake. I sit up my pure white hair falling onto my shoulders.WAIT WHAT PURE WHITE!?But, I soon relished that was the least of my worries. I look around me for May-lee, but she is no where to be found. I then start to go into panic attack until I pass by my mirror. I stop dead in my tracks, and slowly turn my head.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I'M A LIZARD GIRL! I fall to my knees and crawl closer to the mirror. My scales start to slowly change their color. I curl my knees up to my chest. I stare at myself for a little while longer thinking on what to do. My family can't see me like this! I'll be sent to some lab at Area 51! And they will do tests on me..a-and I'll be ripped to shreds for them to just look at my insides! I quickly pack some food into my back pack and jump out the window onto the apartments fire escape. I then climb up to the roof and look around me. New York......*sigh*. I decide to call my best friend Jenna or Jennavive.

"Hello Jenna you there!?"

"I can't talk right now I'm kinda havin problems of my own.....!"

"Well does that problem have to do anything with being turned into a giant lizard!? Huh!?!"

"A-Actually yes, yes it does?!"

"I thought so.......Wait WHAT!?"

"Ya I'll meet you at the old ware house next to the school?"

"UHHHH.......Sounds good?"

Now I think I should call Serena and gabby just to make sure they weren't turned too.

" hello?" They said in unison.

"Hey, I have you guys on a three way call so try to talk one at a time."

(AU/N:I'm gonna use name tags for this call.)

Gabby: "ok well first off you guys are gonna think I'm crazy, but my DNA was mixed with my pet lizards!"

Serena: "well that explains my situation entirely"

Me: "same here!"

Gabby: "wait you guys are lizard people too!?"

Me & Serena: "yep!"

Me: " well, meet me and Jennavive at the old ware house next to the school and we will figure it out there k?"

Both: "Kay!? Bye..."


Now which way to school again?

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