Chpt. 14

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Raphs POV/

Well, once we found Karai and leo was told to go east, and....something about a comet.... we all headed in the direction.

Donnie already messaged April and casey telling them we were going that way, and to make sure splinter is alright.

We were walking pretty slow... so it gave me time to think.... and I know exactly where my head goes.

In my opinion we shouldn't have left them behind... and by them I mean Everest, Crystal, May.... and....Flare. The guys wanted too, but we were drove out of the city.... and we didn't even think about them when we came back and I feel utterly awful for it.

"Hey leo, the Kraang droids are all moving to an entrance of the city- The one we came in through...." Donnie said looking through his binoculars, at the top of a sky scraper.

"Lemme see!" I take the binoculars from donnie, the strap still around his neck. I look through and see the Kraang are fighting pretty hard... but....

"No way..." I drop the binoculars and dash towards the gates. I can hear my brothers screams behind me, but all of that doesn't matter. I just hope, what I saw is who I want it to be!

Suddenly footsteps are behind me, and I see my brothers. Though they are silent, I can tell they saw it too, and are just as curious and pumped as I am.

Once we get to the gates, I see a pile of Kraang controlled army soldiers and droids shooting at four figures. They are all wearing makeshift cloaks, but those cloaks can't hide tails. And my heart leaps into my throat.

One Kraang soldier grabbed the back of a collared hood, choking the one it was attached too.... May.

"Hey-" I hear Mikey yell, but leo stops him. We all gasp at the sight.... May had this terrifying grin on her face, her eyes wide with madness. She reached back and grabbed his head. She yelled menacingly and Ripken it clear off of his body... seeing as he was once human, blood went every where.

I saw one of the girls gradually getting closer to may, and her hood fell, it was Flare. She screamed every time she killed someone. Blood staining their scales. Once they were all done they stood there.... just waiting.

The other two, Crystal and Everest, took down their hoods and as I looked I could see the serious change in each of them.

May-Lee once always bright, was now dark and mad... insane. Her eyes wide, and her mouth in an almost constant grin. Her shining white hair,stained with blood, and her once rainbow scales were now dark green.

Crystal, once smart and sweet... was now cold, analytical, almost heartless. Her once shining diamond look had now turned to grey like a stone. I saw her tail, was no longer there... it seemed to be cut clean off...

Flare... animalistic... blood thirsty, reckless. There were scars up and down her face and body. Her scales have darkened, to a more black like red.

Everest.... Everything seemed to make her more disturbing. Her white scales were now more silver looking, her hair covered in dirt and blood. The one thing that stood out, and leo couldn't stop staring,was her right arm.... it was.... robotic. Her right eye was also no longer the calming violet it used to be, it was now black with a red ring.

The girls we met and took in... the ones that used to just be normal teens.... have now gone off the deep end.

I could see Leo trying to hold back Mikey, but it was to no avail. Mikey jumped down, and ran to May.

He reached out his arms to her, but he stopped dead cold.... She looked straight at him with that same wide terrifying smile and huge eyes.

My brothers and I jumped down and ran to his side. All of the girls attention turned toward us.

"C-Crystal.... it's me-" donnie started to say.

"I know very well who you are..." She said coldly, and almost spitting the words out like venom.

"Then you remember us?" Leo says, his eyes traveling to everest, then back to the others.

"Why wouldn't we?" May says with a horrifying chuckle at the end.

"The ones who said they loved us.... THEN LEFT US TO DIE!!!" Flare roared. Everest standing still not taking her eyes off of us. As if she didn't believe she was seeing it.

"They aren't the real ones... lets go..." she finally said.

" But we are real... I - I think..." Mikey mumbles the last part poking his body.

"Then PROOVE IT!" Flare hollered again. " we have seen Too MANY POSERS!"

They waited, but we didn't know what to do.

Crystal walks up to donnie, her arms crossed still cold and solid. She picks up her fist and punches him square in the jaw, he flies backward. They all have a slight change in posture. All seemed surprised to see that happen. Then they go back to the way the were.

"Huh....they are real." Crystal hisses out.

"OO! Lemme try!" May says skipping over to Mikey, then grabbing his arm and tossing him next to donnie.

Flare just growls and storms up to me. As she got closer I noticed the shock color under her cloak. She screamed and kicked me square in the chest, hard, back to my other two brothers.

The three girls backed up.... it was now just Everest and Leo. I could see the trouble in my brothers eyes...

"You aren't going to hit me?" He asked.

She didn't say anything. I saw her gently put her hand on his face, her robotic hand. Tears welled up in her tired looking eyes, then she pulled back her steel hand and smacked him hard.... he fell to his knees holding his face.

She also fell. She was clutching herself... her body shook as she balled. She looked up and saw us.... That time I could tell it was the old Everest.... the one who never stopped, didn't matter what it was, she wouldn't stop working or training until she had finished the job.

Her eyes fell back onto leo. She crawled closer to him, and held his head up with both of her hands, and stared into his eyes. She was trying to make sure he was real, she just couldn't bring herself to believe it was him... He stared back.... Then she pulled her arms back clutching her torso, and standing up....

"You left us..... didn't even think twice to save us.... I don't know if we will ever be the same because of that... Because of you.... " They all take one last look at us, until running into the city.


"Ya, Raph?"

"We are gonna go after them aren't we?"

"What do you think...."

"Ok-" I sigh and get up. "Let's go put our lives in danger"

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