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Everest's POV/

I've been training for over an our now in their lair, pondering on our next move. Also, thinking of why four mutant turtles would let four mutant lizard girls stay at their place with no explanation. Weird. It's just that......they just met us! Why would they do this!?

The only other person in the room with me is the one named Raphael. He is basically another Jen-I mean Flare. Geez it's gonna be hard with the new names. But it's for the best. Anyways, he is basically another hot head that thinks he is the best thing that has ever happened to this planet. I personally think that he was the only one against the idea of us staying....until, he saw flare. Typical boys. Leo seemed pretty cool though being the leader and all. ((<3))

I was very surprised that the girls choose me to be the leader. Well I am the oldest by a few days, and the one that cools them down in a time of crisis.

What I really think is cool about us, is that we have our birthdays at least a day apart. I'm the oldest, flare is the second oldest, then there is crystal and may-lee. They were born on the same day but crystal was born first, so that makes May-lee the youngest. I wonder what order the turtles were born in. Probably; Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michalangilo. But, you never know. It could've been the other way around, but......well Michalangilo would not be a"helpful" big brother. As I've seen all he does is play video games, eat pizza, and read comics!

Which all of this leads back too, no matter how hard I try this question just won't leave!.....Why would they let us stay in their home even though they don't know us!?!

"You o'kay?!" Raphael asked in his Brooklyn accent.

First off, why would he ask that!? Second off, wow he just gets to be more & more like flare by the second!

"Uhhhhhh.....ya?" I still didn't understand why he was asking this.

"Well.....ya started punchin' and kickin' at the speed of light, and ya had this glare on your face like you were gonna kill someone!" Oh no! Not again. I let my emotions get the best of me.

"I did? I'm sorry if I hit you while thinking......Flare says I do that when I'm angry or just in deep thought......I'm not angry!" He looked at me confused and then moved his eyes up an down like he was sizing me up.

"Don't worry.......I've seen it plenty of times. My brother Leo does the same thing. He either meditates or goes full out speed you." He shrugs and goes back to punching the already warn out punching bag. I thought I was the only one Well....I guess it's a start.

After that was over, I went to open the door and see Leonardo about to walk in. We didn't fully register that we were both going through the door so we bumped into eachother....making me fly backwards and him fall on his butt. I look up to see him rubbing his head. He then also looks up and our eyes meet. I can feel my face get warm, and see his get red. Oh no! Be strong have no weakness! Be a leader! I quickly brush it off and stand. I walk over to were he was still sitting staring at me.

I reach out my hand to help him

" sorry I didn't see you coming in at first..." I chuckled a bit but still serious. He still just sat there. "Take a picture Leonardo it will last longer!" I role my eyes and put my hand on my hip. He finally snaps out of it and reaches up for my hand. When he grabbed It.........I felt like I was going to giggle. Like one of those uncontrollable squeal giggles that snotty rich girls use to get a guy. I stood my ground and couldn't even hold back the smile, so I made it seem like I was laughing at him, and not from embarrassment.

"S-sorry....he....." He said sheepishly while rubbing the back of his head. "I came to get you and raph for dinner....." Raph pushes past me and heads for what I'm guessing is the kitchen. Leo starts to follow, but I hold onto his shoulder indicating he should stay.

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