Chpt. 10

424 28 9

Flare's POV/

"Hey raph? Who is that girl you were tellin' me about last night?" I say entering the room were he keeps his targets and stuff.

"Huh!? N-NO-ONE!!" He seemed, nervous....almost....scared?

"Then why do you want singing lessons?" He looked at me, with bewilderment.

"Because of a girl!"

"THEN WHAT GIRL!?!?" I asked cocking an eyebrow.

"Uhhhhh......ummmmmm........her name! Mona, Mona Lisa! Ya that's her name!" I looked at him with a look that said "are you kidding me".

"Raph.....that's the name of a famous painting.......doooo youuuu U N D E R S T A N D!?!?!" He starts to sweat. And then he becomes himself again.

"Yes, Flare. I understand! And she is a real person! She has brown hair, and green eyes! She is a lot like me and....and she likes music, so that's why I asked you alright!" I was taken back by his sincerity. Is she, real....and even if! How does she know about him?

"O-oh........I see......ummm.....Im gonna go take a walk....." I say the last statement as I walk out. I need to clear my head.

"Wait! It's day time!!" leo yells at me.

"Don't you think I know that!? I have clothes I'm not stupid!" I say pulling a red under armor T, and dark skinny jeans.I then put on my combat boots, the fit snug even with my claws. I hide my tail under a black trench coat. It has a hood so I put it up and over my head, and stalked off.


I walk the streets looking, not knowing for what. Maybe for a girl named mona so I could pound her face in. Maybe for some purple dragons, or foot. I really wasn't sure. I felt weak, and I needed to find a reason to prove to myself that I wasn't.

" MONA! C'mon!" that name made my blood boil. I Turned around to see a girl and a guy, one with black hair. The other........with light brown. Her eyes were green. They were walking into a cd store. I followed. There they were hand in hand looking around.

Then look over to see a guy with raven black hair, and a red streak through it. He had a maroon tank top on with a black biker jacket on. He had warn out ripped jeans. His eyes were as green as raphs, maybe even the same color. "Thought I might find you here!" He said in a sadenly familiar voice.                                                                                                                                                                          "I brought you this..." He held out a red see through bracelet with this strange bolt of lightening surging through it. He had one on too, so being curious I took it and put it on. I felt a surge go through my body. I look down at my wrist to see its the same color it used to be! I take my phone out and turned on my camera. I saw Jennavive! Not flare! Jennavie! "aaaa! So this is what the real you looks like, jennavive,,," I look up and the gy winks at me. I suddenly know it IS raph!

I hug him. Suprisingly he hugs back. "Thankyou!!!"

"Hey......anything for the girl with an unforgetable smile...." he whispers into my ear. Wait unforgetable smile? That's what they call............................THE MONA LISA!!!!! I'm mona?

"Do you really think I'm that stupid?" I say getting out of his arms.

"no........." He says his eyes looking to the left. He looks back at me and winks.

"sooooo, wait the great and powerfull...rapheal has a crush on me?"

"Maybe I do!" he says grabing my hand and intertwining our fingers. Today just got alot better!

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