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Flare's POV/

I walk down to the kitchen for a midnight snack. I usually eat the last slice of pizza, but it looked like someone beat me to it.

"Aaha! So your da' one stealing the pizza!" Raph said leaning over the table. "I thought it was Mikey or May-lee, but clearly I was wrong!" He seemed proud of himself, so of course being me I had to ruin it.

"Ok hot shot, if you really think its me prove it! Maybe I come down here to get a drink every night? Maybe I don't come down here at all!? Did ya think about dat!?" He smirked and held something up in his hand. It was my uncles bear claw. I keep it on a chain so I would never forget him. He used to be a hunter until he went into law enforcement and met eve's and May-lee's dads.

"You give me that back right now!" I growled, I could feel my skin burning and tingling, I had no idea why so I ignored it. G

"What if I don't?" He said with a smirk. I had enough of him lately.....that's when it happened. Small spikes grew on my back and down my tail. My claws grew longer and I could feel fangs forming. "What the........" He said in disbelief. I just held out my hand and he set the necklace in it. I transformed back to normal and stalked out of the kitchen.

Once I got to my room, I locked the door. I began to cry, and started to sing a song I always sang whenever I missed my uncle.

Wishing you were here.....(phantom of the opera)

You were once my one companion

You were all that mattered

You were once a friend and father

Then my world was shattered

Wishing you were somehow here again

Wishing you were somehow near

Sometimes it seemed if I just dreamed

Somehow you would be here

Wishing I could hear your voice again

Knowing that I never would

Dreaming of you won't help me to do

All that you dreamed I could

Passing bells and sculpted angels

Cold and monumental seem, for you the wrong companions

You were warm and gentle

Too many years fighting back tears

Why can't the past just die?

Wishing you were somehow here again

Knowing we must say, "Goodbye"

Try to forgive, teach me to live

Give me the strength to try

No more memories, no more silent tears

No more gazing across the wasted years

Help me say, "Goodbye"

Help me say, "Goodbye"

He was more of a father to me then my actual one was. He helped me when I was being teased by the other girls, he helped with guy trouble, ya weird but it always helped to have someone that cared. My parents probably don't even know I'm gone.

*knock knock*

"WHO'S THERE!? AND WHADUA WANT!?" I heard shuffling coming from the outside.

"Well, I wanted to say sorry......can I come in?" Who is this? It sounded like raph, but the words and his tone were not him at all! "I DON'T HAVE ALL NIGHT!" There he is!

"Sure......" I unlock my door and let him in. "Apology accepted now GET OUT!" He looked at me and just......well.....stood there. "What?"

"Oh nothin.....I was just thinking someone like you, being able to sing like that and put sooo much emotion into was a little weird......NO OFFENSE!" I glared at him for a sec until realizing it was a compliment!


"Anyways after hearing that.....I ummm.....oh god this is embarrassing! I was wondering if you could teach me to sing!?" He said as if he had to make a life or death situation.

"Well, I guess I could......but the other girls would have to help to! We were in a band before this happened! And we were ok we did not play many instruments just guitar and bass. But we all sing! So I'll ask them. Me why do you want to know how to sing?"

"Uhhhh to impress a girl........" He blushed. I felt my heart sink and nausea start to form.WAIT?! WHY!? I DON'T LIKE HIM DO I?!

"Oh........can you leave now.....please...." I pointed towards the door. He nodded and stopped right before he left.

He hugged me, and whispered "Thank you...." Then walked out. I was about to cry again.

"Uncle, Brock I REALLY! REALLY!Wish you were

Here right now!" I said before I went to bed.

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