Chpt. 15

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May-Lee's POV:

Once we finally got out of the turtles sight range I dropped my act.... I didn't like acting like a complete and totally insane lizard girl, but I just... I can't help it. It seems like a way to escape everything that has happened in the past few months.

I was always the one helping Crystal with... the "modifications". I had to remove crystals tail, because of an infected bite from a raccoon she got in the woods.

Everest's arm got caught under a bolder while trying to clime the mountain, I had to cut it off. Then she got into a fight with flare and flare clawed at her right eye. it was damaged so much that Crystal had to "modify" that as well.

I had to cut off limps, watch my best friends turn into... freaks... now that I can see myself in this window... I can see how big of a freak I really am.... my mouth still even when my face is relaxed and in a slack position, it still holds its wide eyed grin.

I continue to stare and chuckle, soon it becomes a laugh, then a cackle. I hear flare growl at me, but I continue to look at my reflection.

When will my reflection show, who I am... who I was.... Until then, whenever that may be, I'll continue on as the laughing lizard. Blood stained face, and soul.

"Hey girls.... over there...." Crystal points to the old wear house by the school we met the turtles in.
"We could stay there for the night..." She says low and cold.

"No they'll look there first.... We should go to the old dojo." Everest says quietly, but still forcibly. I hear a grunt of agreement from Flare. I start running towards the old dojo and enter first.

The place seemed dusty, the windows were all boarded up, and there were no lights on. My friends came in and looked around. No one was here, so we set up camp. As I was laying my stuff down, I saw the walls and thought of our old sensei...

Once I was done day dreaming I finished my work and laid down. It was the comfiest I've been since we left that tank.

Those dreadful dark cold nights in the woods searching for a way back to civilization, but always being snagged or caught on the thorns of life. Now that we were back in the city and finally saw what had become of it, I'm kind've missing those dark silent nights in the trees.

"Night girls...we hunt at dawn" flare mumbles out relaying a message from Everest. Everest liked to sleep away from us, preferably in an area we had yet to find or see. so she could be in the attic or in the rafters. I look up and see just the beams crossing the ceiling way, and notice two Violet eyes.

There she is.

I roll onto my side and doze off happily.

(Her dream)

"Oh c'mon May! Why are you always running?" Mikey's chasing me through the forest. I giggle every time he gets close, but he never will find me.

"May?" Suddenly he's infront of me and the forest fades into a sheet of black. Though he's infront of me he's facing the other direction.

I peek around his shoulder and see me... only its not me, its a crazy, smiling, laughing, wide eyed me whom looks deranged.

I see me lunge at him and rip him apart, all the while I'm screaming and beating on my back trying to get myself off of him. Though to no avail.


(Dream ends)

I jolt up, an notice it is still night. Everyone's asleep, even Everest. I see her form through the one window. The light from the moon hitting her face enough to show me she's sound asleep.

I look to my left and see flare, though is not asleep. She's sitting up and looking at her hands. I see tears hitting them.

"F-flare..." Her eyes dart to mine and she bawls. I crawl over Crystal and hold flare tightly.

This is all their fault... if they would've come and gotten us we wouldn't be in so much pain.

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