⋆ ˚。 josies truth ⋆୨୧˚

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Death was a very familiar thing to Valarie. She had seen it a hundreds of times and she was bound to see it a few hundred more. To Carl on the other hand, we'll that was a whole different story.

Shane was bat shit crazy and decided to terrorize the Greenes by killing all of the walkers in the barn

He was handing out guns left and right. He even asked the three kids if they could shoot. Joise and Carl shot the offer down while Valarie of course said said hell yes as she went to grab the gun but Lori quickly smacked it out of her hands

"Hey what was that fo-" she was cut off by Maggie's screams

"Shane stop it my dad will have you off the farm in a instant!" Maggie yelled

"Lemme tell you som-" he was cut short as Rick started yelling at him.

Valarie noticed the lock start to jiggle and suddenly come loose while the fighting was happening

"Uh guys the lock came loose!" She yelled

Shooting left and right. People screaming and yelling. All Carl and Val could do was sit back and watch.

"idiota estúpido" she yelled plunging her knife through one of the last walkers.
(Stupid idiot)

"Sophia!!" Carl yelled and tried to run as a walker version of a little girl came out of the barn.  Everyone stopped in their paths as Carol fell to the ground sobbing.

Not one word was said as Rick shot the little girl in the back of her head.

Joise sat in Andreas arms as she watched her friend fall to the ground

She had only heard a few things about Sophia from Glenn but she knew that she meant a lot for the group.

"Shhh, it's ok baby" Lori said running  catching him as she tried to comfort him.  Beth tried to hug her now dead mom that came out of the barn. She had felt bad for the girl but At least she had the closure knowing her mom was dead and not out there somewhere

"C'mon let's get everyone back in the house" Maggie said as she lead the small girl into the farmhouse while the men cleaned up all of the bodies.


The young girl was trying to keep Joise preoccupied with his friends death by showing her some of Maggie's old magazines , spoiler alert she was really bad at it.

"Here's the people's magazines from 2008" she shrugged

"What's so good about that one? It's boring" Josie replied unbothered

"Uhm hello! It has Ross lynch in it!"

"Ew" she said with a disgusting looks


"I'm gay dumbass" she snorted as Valaries jaw dropped

"For real?"


"That's so cool!"

Valarie gasped as she realized something


"You don't have a crush on me do you?"

"no dumbass your not my type"

"Oops sorry I've never had a gay friend" val laughed as Josie playfully rolled her eyes

"We'll I'll be back later I'm gonna go see what people are doing"

The girl walked through the house to try and find anyone else to interact with. She had been getting pretty board with all of the comics.


"Hey Andrea watcha doinnnn?" She said dragging out that last part  "oh just watching Beth" she replied. "I have to run to the RV for a sec can you watch her?"  "Uh sure?"

She didn't know why Beth had to be watched. Beth was pretty smart and could watch herself. Besides, she was just sitting in bed staring at the ceiling.

"Ok thanks I'll be right back!"

"Fine by me"  the girl shrugged looking at pictures in Beth's room

She picked up a perfume and was admiring it when Beth said she had to use the restroom. "Ok it's not like I'm your chaperone" she laughed. That made her stop in her tracks and think as Beth went on into the bathroom . Is she supposed to be watching her every move? Something clattering to the floor of the bathroom had answered her question.

"Beth?" She twisted the door knob. Locked. "Beth! Open the door! Are you ok in there?" She saw the blood under the door and gasped as she took a step bak "ANDREA, LORI, MAGGIE, SOMEONE COME QUICK!" Lori and Maggie came running in Quick, shoving her out of the way to get in.

What she had saw she was definitely not prepared for. Beth's whole arm on both sides were seeping in blood. "I'm sorry Maggie I didn't mean it" Beth sobbed.

Valarie felt as if God was punishing her. Taunting her. Making her see the same thing twice? Once with her mom and now with her friend? She ran ran out of the room before they could even get ahold of Beth.

How could Beth even do that? Why didn't Valarie pay more attention? She could only help but wonder if Maggie was mad she didn't watch her enough.


When dinner had rolled around Val was not hungry. Usually at home when she messed she earned a slap to the face or a bad yelling match so she was trying to avoid confrontation.

She was glued to the porch swing just admiring the view when Maggie came and sat.

"There you are sunshine, I was starting to think you ran off."  Her country accent peaking

"I'm sorry" was all she said

"For what?"

"Not watching her well enough."

She flinched as Maggie placed a hand on her back

"Oh sweetie that wasn't your fault it was Andreas. Besides, Beth is fine she's in her room right now."

That made her feel a little better. She was glad Maggie hadn't screamed at her

"Come on in let's fix you a plate" the Greene said guiding her inside.



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