⋆ ˚。oucho ⋆୨୧˚

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rewrote 7/23/24
she still has her hand Dw

When your holding a screaming baby and looking at about 10 walkers come your way, you don't really think about your actions, you just do it.

So there she was, Throwing herself in front of walker to save Judith. Was it the smartest? No. Did it save the baby? Yes.

She turned her body around to where Judith was facing away from the walker and shielded her face . She quickly turned around with Her knife to stab the decaying corpse in the face but was met with one right in front of her. She didn't hesitate to throw her hand out to keep it from biting Judith but was quickly overcome with agonizing pain as she realized it didn't bite her hand but pushed her head right into a rock

She quickly tucked Judith's head in and plunged her knife into it squishy head. Valarie let out a whimper while placing Judith down, hunching over in pain.

"I got them all, where's Judy?" He asked turning around to Valarie, his face quickly falling seeing the back of her shirt now covered in blood. Valarie who was still hunched over slowly lifted up and turned to Carl

"I'm f- " she took a deep breath to cal, herself before finishing her sentence with shaky words "I'm fine. I just h-hit my head" she said falling to the forest floor.

"Valarie? Val talk to me," He asked, taking a glance at Judith to make sure she was okay

"I just hit my head. It's just a scratch ." She replied in a lethargic tone.

"Ok. Okay it's ok. " he reassured her while helping her stand up standing up. "Let's just get back up the group so Maggie can examine you."

"How did you fall back on the rock?" He questioned, trying to distract her

"I was shielding Judy dumbass" she said, sarcastically as Carl let out a small chuckle picking up Judith who was still on the ground

"Cmon I'll help you walk" he said, holding Judy in one hand and lifting Valarie by the arms in the other.

When they came over the hill Rick and Maggie ran over to the two as Maggie Kaye's Valarie down softly in the grass

"She hit her head really hard on a rock while protecting Judy " Carl rambled as Daryl and Rosita came behind him. Rosita noticed that she was alive with no bites or scratches but also noticed her losing consciousness

"Valarie what the hell happened" Rosita said, looking at Carl and Rick before sitting down beside her to comfort her

"a damn bolder" she replied slowly as she saw her vision fading

"Okay Val I need you to follow my finger with your eyes" Maggie said, putting her finger in front of her face and moving it back in forth

"We need to get her back in the road where we can give her water" Maggie said as Daryl carried her up the hill to the road

Alora ran to Daryl as soon as they saw their baby sister with blood drenched on her shirt.

"What happened?"  Alora asked yelled while they sat her down on the road. "A damn boulder" Carl mumbled as Maggie continued to examine the girl farther but found scars on her wrist. Maggie felt a tears forming in her eyes as she saw the scars on the teenagers arm. They were all up and down her arm and stopped st her wrist.

"She will be fine" Maggie said as Carl let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Maggie got a piece of cloth and started wrapping it around the side of her face.

Valarie was now going in and out of consciousness due to the range of the concussion and it was making her a little loopy.

"Don't let her go to sleep no matter what, I'm gonna go grab her some water" Maggie mumbled, walking away

"But I want to sleep" Valarie said as rick shook his head "if you go to sleep I'll have to arrest you" Rick joked to the girl knowing it would make her feel better

"bitchnuts" she mumbled, drinking the water Maggie had brought to her


The sun had set and Valarie was still cracking jokes. Everyone was still eating their squirrel and laughing at her loopy state. Maggie checked on Val every few minutes. She didn't have a fever but she had a big piece of cloth wrapped around her head

"How are you still cracking jokes?" Tara asked, taking a bite out of her food

"You know what else cracked a bunch? My head" Valarie said as everyone let out a laugh

"Wait a hot minute, how many times have you been concussed" Abraham asked

"6" Carl,Val, and Maggie said in union

"You just got more badass" he chuckled as the sunset over the hill

"Oh the other hand, everyone needs to get rested and ready for the day ahead" Rick said as everyone got their sleeping places ready.

It was going to be a longggggggg day.


Ok so, I have completely lost interest in writing this SO I'm going to do a time skip to when they arrive at the Alexandra's gates. So so so sorry!! Yes Bob is still dead and yes Gabriel is in the group.


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