Chapter One

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It was two in the morning, and Charlotte sat waiting in her chair, her arms crossed and an angry expression painted on her face, this was the eighth time in four weeks. The door opens before being slammed, Engfa wobbles inside the house as she takes off her shoes, "where were you ?" Was the first thing that came out of Charlotte's mouth.

Engfa looks up and hiccups, "I was with Nudee, Meena and Tina " came the reply, Engfa proceeded to wobble her way to there bedroom, Charlotte huffs before following behind, Engfa takes off her jacket and lays on there bed.

"Enggie" no answer "Eng" silents "ENGFA!" Engfa jumps up and holds her head feeling rush of pain "look at yourself, look at what you've become" Charlotte spoke, she didn't like the person she was seeing in front of her, an alcoholic who stayed out until the next morning, the woman she fell in love with was long gone.

"Look at me? Ha! ,  pretty princess I've become what YOU made me, do you not like it? Am I not messy enough for you ?" Engfa shot back; they say drunk minds speak sober thoughts.

"Me!? I didn't make you this way! So don't you dare blame me for this !" Charlotte yelled.

"Oh? Who cheated? Who said they might not be in love with me? You fucking ruined me! I could have any woman I want, but I'm wasting energy on a woman that don't even know if she's in love with me, you're  A selfish bi-" before the word could leave her lips a smack was the only sound heard, she touched her cheek and looks at Charlotte who had tears in her eyes.

"Don't you dare say that to me."

Engfa picks up her jacket, "you know ... I had an opportunity to cheat tonight,But I didn't because I love you."

"You should have cheated ... I set you free, Engfa ."

Engfa was shocked and confused; she was still too intoxicated" what are you saying?"

"I'm saying ... We should break up."

Engfa was speechless; she was hurt but didn't show it "fine," and with that, she stormed out there shared apartment, slamming the door behind her.


Tina's home was a wreck; it smelled of liquor and cigarettes, she looked at her home in disgust, leftovers surrounded the living room while the sleeping, drooling woman laid on the couch in week-old clothes and stinky hair, she didn't like this sight.

"hey! , get up, you grease monkey " Tina kick the individual until she woke up.

"Mmm, what's up ?" Engfa asked, sitting up on the couch, yawning and rubbing her eyes, pizza stains on her shirt, and morning breath that could kill any flying creature, Tina steps back and plug her nose with her fingers.

"Dude! You need a shower! And a huge breath mint."

Engfa blew in her hand and sniffed it, her eyes widen in disgust, she needed a shower Bad! And to brush her teeth, but she didn't want to have to go back there, "T, can you do me a favor ?" Tina looks at her friend; she looked so broken and sad.

Her and Charlotte hadn't had a good relationship since ten months ago, Engfa caught her cheating; for weeks she stayed over her friends crying her eyes out. Still, one day charlotte came begging for her back, everyone told her not to give the girl a second chance; yet, she did, she loved her too much to let her go, then engfa became very insecure, charlotte cheated on her with a gorgeous businesswoman. The latter could pass as a model; what did she have ?.

Then it came the day Charlotte confessed she might not love her the way she did, it broke a part of her, yet she tried to hide it and pretend it was ok, that she was eventually going to love her. Still, after that day, the only person that said 'I love you' was engfa; the sad truth crawled into her heart, then came the late nights out and getting completely drunk just to be numb and feel empty for a while.

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