Chapter Four

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one week later...

"That's not the point heidi!" tina yelled tossing the opened wedding invitation on the couch, it landed in engfa's lap.

"I know it's not the point tina! But what the hell do you want me To do?!" heidi yelled back. heidi and tina have been yelling for the past 30 minutes about heidi's  wedding to Tor Surasak .

"Oh I don't know, how about NOT marrying the son of a bitch?!!!" tina screamed making the veins in her neck and forehead pop out.

"So do they ever stop arguing?" priya whispers in engfa's ear, the two were on the couch watching the  couple go back and forth with each other.

"Yeah, they have sex and then go back to arguing" engfa whispers back making priya giggle a little.

"This conversation is over, it's not getting us anywhere , plus I have wedding invitations to send out" and with that heidi grabbed her purse out of engfa's lap and left the apartment slamming the door.

"Fine!" tina yelled, she was breathing heavily and breaking into a sweat, she turned to the two on the couch and made a face engfa knew too well, the woman got up and started hugging her sulking best friend "I don't get it man " she cried out as engfa rubbed her back.

"It's Alright Man, it's going to be alright" engfa tried to assure her crying friend.

tina pulls from the hug and wipes her tears away " I'm going to go to my room for the day, you guys have fun at the party without me"  tina walked to her room closing the door, priya and engfa could hear sobbing.

"I feel bad for her, " engfa said sitting back next to priya who laid on her shoulder, just then priya pops her head up confusing eng.

"I have a plan," she said with a smirk.

charlotte  has been spending her whole week on ways to get engfa back, she kept rewriting her apology letter over and over again to make sure it was perfect, two and a half hours later and she believed she wrote the perfect letter she smiled at her handwriting when the door was being knocked on.

charlotte opens the door and her mood changed "what do you want lux?" She's been trying to avoid the woman for a week now, not answering her calls or the door it was working at first, Wheein was supposed to be gone a week ago but the woman refused to leave charlotte's side.

"My love, when are you going to stop this torch on me and give me the chance I well deserve?" lux asked the other woman who she was head over heels for.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not interested in you lux?" charlotte asked crossing her arms in annoyance.

"Until I get to take you on a date " lux let herself in the apartment and sat on the living room couch "I love you, why can't you see that ?" she said, she sounded so sincere.

charlotte sighs and close her apartment door, she started to feel bad she sits next to the sad woman and look at her for what seemed like forever ,a few moments passed and the two were attacking each other's lips lux pulls from the kiss and look at charlotte lovingly " so does this mean you love me back?".

"lux I-" before Charlotte say another word her door was being knocked on again.

"Char it's me " she knew that voice and she did not want the person behind that door to find lux in her apartment yet again.

"Heidi ...." Charlotte whisper to herself before looking over at lux "I need you to hide, now!" she whisper yelled "Be right there Heidi !" she drags lux into her room and shut the door before answering the apartment door. Heidi walks in with ruined makeup and a sulking face, she lays face-first on Charlotte's couch getting mascara all over its whiteness.

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