Chapter Nine

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Three Months Later....

"-You know I've asked myself that same question every time " the two woman laughed.

"Pregnant? Pregnant?!, you're four months pregnant!??" Tina screamed, chompu, Charlotte and everyone else turns and look at the scene unfolding in front of them.

"Tina I was going to tell you I swear" Heidi was on the verge of crying, she felt sick and Tina making a scene in front of everyone wasn't helping.

"When?! When it was born?! When it went off to college???!"heidi had tears in her eyes, Tina just starred at her "that's why you wanted to marry him? because he got you knocked up?" Tina was hurt "I can't believe you " Tina grabs her coat and walks out of the backyard.

"Chompu I'll be right back" Charlotte hands Chompu  her drink and walk over to her crying friend "come on let's go inside" Charlotte and pich walks into the house with a crying pregnant Heidi .

"What happened?" Aoom asked she was upstairs helping Meena pick out an outfit.

"Tina knows that Heidi is pregnant," pich said trying to comfort her sister.

"It took her three months to realize that? , Heidi's stomach should have given it away" Aoom hits Meena for her insensitive comment "ow!, I'll go entertain our guests" Meena walks off.

"Did you tell her the reason you're pregnant?"

"I was going to but I couldn't " Heidi blames herself for this.

"It's okay, she just needs time to process all of this " Charlotte assured.

"Pregnant!, she's pregnant and by Tor none the less" Tina was pacing back and forth in her apartment, she had called Engfa to rant.

"T you have to calm down and stop pacing, did Heidi try to explain?"Engfa and priya were on a beautiful island resort, they've been there for a month now and Engfa couldn't be happier.

"I didn't care to ask, she broke my trust, we weren't supposed to be broken up for that long" and yet no one knew why they broke up in the first place.

"What made you guys break up in the first place? You never told me" Tina went silent "hello? TW?!"

"I'm here, Mr.Jensen had threatened to send Heidi away if we kept seeing each other, Heidi never told him she's been in a long term relationship with a female,so he introduced Tor to her and they started to pretend dating, well so I thought"

"T, I have to tell you something that Heidi told me a few months back " Tina deserved to know the truth, engfa couldn't keep this secret anymore especially now that her and Tina were back to being friends.

three months ago....

"Wait, so you're the girl Engfa was talking about?" Chompu said confused, Charlotte had made them both some tea and started to explain everything.

"Unfortunately, but you're the ski girl she was ready to cheat on me with" chompu sips her tea as did charlotte and the two fell into an awkward silence until the door was being knocked on.

"Charlotte my love" Lux was holding a bouquet of flowers and a little black box in the other hand "I've come to sweep you off your beautiful feet" it took everything in Charlotte not to slam the door in Lux face.

"Why Lux? We've been over this" Charlotte would be lying if she said she didn't still have feelings for the woman but she was in love with Engfa and the woman just left and it already felt like an eternity.

"My darling, please just give me this Chance to show you the love I can give you" Charlotte sighs and takes the flowers from the woman, she knew Lux wasn't going to stop until she agreed to go on a date with her.

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