Chapter Twelve 2.0

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so this chapter will only focus on the prank war's ...enjoy.

Prank War Teams-

team shenanigans - Engfa,meena,chompu,tina,nudee,Aiden

team mischief- charlotte,lisa,priya,aoom,pich,becky

team hijinks- zee,bam,jimin,marima,jungkook,freen

Day 1_ paintball battlefield ....

"Let's go! Move, move!"

"Noooooo! Jimin, stay with me... please," Jungkook pleaded, cradling Jimin's head in his lap.

"Forget... about me, I'm a goner, she hit me straight, get it straight," Jimin dramatized, faking a cough.

"Don't worry, I'll do my best to get her back, I promise," Jungkook vowed.

Just then, Charlotte sneaked behind the two, shooting a green paintball at Jungkook's back, much like she did to Jimin.

"Ouch! What the? Ah, man, she got me! Now we're both out," Jungkook exclaimed, lifting Jimin as Charlotte ran away, laughing at the two.


"Dammit, charlotte got Jimin and Jungkook, priya took out three of Team Hijinks, and Chompu disappeared," Engfa whispered urgently to the last of her team.

"Come out wherever you are!" Charlotte's voice echoed across the field as she searched for the remaining team.

Meena and Tina froze in their spots, glancing at Engfa, who gulped, shaking her head in refusal.

"No, hell no, she'll kill me!" Engfa muttered in a mix of fear and humor.

"Aw, come on, she might not even get to you first," Meena tried to reassure her.

Engfa sighed, resigned. "Fine, if I die, I'm hunting all of you down." With determination, she dashed from behind the tree, yelling, "Ayee, I'm over here! Come and get me, Hellchar!"

Charlotte spotted Engfa and started moving towards her, fixated on capturing her. Seizing the distraction, the rest of the team bolted for another part of the field, making their escape before Charlotte could reach them.

The team sprinted through the field, dodging obstacles and ducking behind cover as Charlotte pursued Engfa with determined fervor.

Engfa glanced over her shoulder, spotting Charlotte closing in. "She's gaining on us!"

Meena, Tina, and the others glanced back, picking up their pace as they reached the edge of the field, eyeing a dense cluster of bushes ahead.

"Just a little farther!" Meena urged, pushing through the final stretch.

Engfa dashed ahead, the bushes offering potential cover. She dove into the thick foliage, disappearing from Charlotte's sight as the rest of the team followed suit.

Charlotte skidded to a halt, panting as she scanned the area, unable to locate them. "Where did they go?"

The team held their breath, concealed amidst the bushes, trying to stifle their giggles and remain hidden.

"I don't see them!" Charlotte exclaimed, frustration lacing her voice as she looked around, determined to find any trace of her elusive targets.

Engfa and the others stifled their laughter, trying to maintain their stealth, crouched in the bushes, watching Charlotte search in vain.

"I swear, they were just here," Charlotte muttered to herself, her determination unwavering. She continued scouring the area, determined to uncover their hiding spot.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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