Chapter Seven

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Whoever said living with your ex is the worse thing in the world was completely and utterly right , Charlotte was not liking this set up at all "how long are they going to be at it ?" Aoom asked hearing the moans and loud noises from the guest bedroom,her and Charlotte were having breakfast before going to visit Heidi she was going to be discharged today.

"I have no idea,but it's driving me crazy " Charlotte admitted before sipping her coffee ever since Engfa moved back in,Priya has been there almost everyday and it's been hell, Charlotte goes to the bathroom and there's priya brushing her teeth,Charlotte goes to the kitchen and there's priya butt naked cooking pancakes,she was everywhere.

Priya walks out the guest room ,Aoom and Charlotte pretended they were busy on there phones , Priya smirks there way before walking into the bathroom, Engfa walks out the room with messed up hair and a goofy grin on her face"morning Aoom, Charlotte " she said before making her way into the bathroom with Priya.

"Oh God ,there going to ruin my bathroom" Charlotte said with a whine ,she knew she was going to have to replace everything in there .

"Let's go before they decide to have sex out here" Aoom said,they clean there mess and started rushing out the door but not before hearing a loud moan from the bathroom ,they both made 'ew' faces before shutting the door.

"You can't be mad at her forever" Meena said while she helped Tina up from her bed "we've been best friends forever" she helps Tina into her wheelchair.

"She let another girl come into her life and dictate her Meen" Tina defended ,ever since they've known Engfa she would let every girlfriend she had tell her what she needed to do , especially when her and Charlotte got together.

"Look Eng is a hopeless romantic she can't help it ,but no one told you to jump out of a window " Meena was the blunt one in there little group of friends she spoke her mind and never gave her words a second thought "you guys need to suck it up and act like adults".

Meena wheel Tina out the house and help her into the car and put her wheelchair in her trunk ,today was Aiden's farewell party he got a huge opportunity to travel the world and he was leaving tomorrow so he was throwing a party but it wasn't like any of his other parties you had to truly know him to even get into this type of party.

Since Tina couldn't do a lot until she was healed she was going to go hang with Freen there other friend who's mostly to busy working to hang out with anyone ,they met her two years ago.

They arrive to Freen's house and was greeted by her girlfriend Becky who helped Meena put Tina in her chair "don't worry T we're going to have fun tonight" Becky said excitedly .

"Awesome" Tina said but it came out more like she was disappointed,she was a party animal and she never wanted to miss a Aiden foster party especially not one of his farewell parties,she sigh this was going to be a very long annoying night.

Charlotte and Aoom arrive at the hospital and picks up Heidi who laid in the back seat ,the doctor wanted her to take it easy and rest "poor Heidi,she doesn't deserve this" Charlotte said looking back at her sleeping friend "I wonder how drunk she really was at that club to have sex with Tor" no one in there friend group liked that guy.

Aoom looks at Charlotte confused "drunk? She told me,they were working late and it kind of just happened?" Charlotte looks at Aoom confused as well , Heidi had lied to them but they had no idea why.

"Okay,okay,I need a break" Engfa said pulling away from kissing Priya the poor woman needed to refill her lungs with oxygen again,ever since she moved back in with Charlotte, Priya has been there constantly "I have to pee" Engfa jumps up and runs out the room ,Priya just giggles.

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