Chapter Ten

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Insanely awkward that's the perfect words to describe how Engfa felt right now, she was in a room with not only her ex-girlfriend and new girlfriend but the universe had to also throw in chompu.

"So we've talked to the judge and he has agreed for you to see her but she still cannot be bailed out "Tina's lawyer informed everyone, Heidi couldn't hold back her tears "Tina has requested to see Meena and Engfa first".

Engfa let go of Priya's hand and kisses her but it didn't go unnoticed by two women . Engfa and Meena walk into the meeting room and noticed Tina in a grey jumpsuit locked to the table "T" Engfa was sad to see her best friend like this.

The two sit in front of there friend who just had a blank expression on her face "TW? How do you feel?" Meena studied Tina's face to see at least a little bit of some type of emotion.

"I yelled at her , I called her a liar "

"You had no idea, hell neither did I " Meena was shocked just like Tina when she found out how Heidi Ended up pregnant.

"Eng, why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you say anything to me before it got to this point?" Tina wanted an answer and her knuckles were turning white from her tightening them.

Engfa sighs and leans forward to the table"I didn't say anything because I was trying to avoid it getting to this point"

Tina sighs she knew Engfa had her reasons for not telling her.

"I called my brother , he said there's a good lawyer that lives down here that did his case"

"Thanks,Meen but I don't need any more lawyers, I did the crime and I would do it again" When it came to Heidi , Engfa and Meena knew there was nothing the woman wouldn't do to protect her .

Charlotte knew she needed to break the silence in the room, Aoom was playing a game on her phone, Heidi was staring into space, chompu was looking through magazines and Priya kept typing really fast on her phone.

"So um priya how was the trip" Aoom and chompu look up from what they were doing.

Priya looks up from her phone and puts it in her pocket "it was great, Hawaii was beautiful" she smiled.

Meena and Engfa walk back into the room "they told us she can only see one more person today and she wants to see Charlotte " Engfa walks over to her girlfriend and intertwine there fingers while Meena told everyone the news.

The shock on the three women's face said it all, Heidi was hurt that the last person Tina wanted to see wasn't her , Charlotte walks over and kisses Heidi's forehead "I love you and I'll ask why she doesn't want to see you last" Heidi smiled a little and hug her friend.

Charlotte sat in the chair across from Tina and the girl looked so broken "you're probably wondering why I wanted to see you" Charlotte gave an ' Mmm's as aresponse"there's something I need you to do something for me, I'm pleading guilty at my court hearing" Charlotte's eyes widen, if Tina pleaded guilty than she was going to prison for a while.

"T you know what's going to happen if you do that right?"

Tina sighs while playing with her fingers "i know and I'm okay with it, can you promise me that you'll watch Heidi and the baby?" Charlotte could see the tears shining in Tina's eyes like glass.

"I promise T" Once Charlotte got back to the waiting room she went over to Heidi who looked like she had just lost a part of herself" she loves you Heidi " Charlotte hugs her friend who starts to silently cry.

Engfa walks to the bathroom, she washes her hands and looks at herself in the mirror today was just so overwhelming she was on her way out when she bumped into chompu "oh I'm sorry" she felt nervous and awkward at the same time.

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