Chapter Three

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With a smile on her face, and a weight off her shoulders, engfa strutted into tina's apartment, tina sat on her couch looking at the TV that wasn't even on "T?" The woman didn't answer for a while.

"I fucked it all up, I fucked up," tina said, she had dried up tears on her cheek and she looked like she lost her soul.

"TW what happened?" Engfa asked, she walks over and embrace her crying friend.

"We were only supposed to be on a break for a few weeks, I don't understand, I fucked it all up" tina managed to say through her tears.

"T... Why did you and heidi go on a break?" No one knew why the two broke up, they never told there friends any details.

Tina sits up and wipes her tears, she looks at engfa with the saddest eyes a person could do " heidi is engaged to get married " engfa looked shocked " to Tor Surasak" now she was even more shocked.

charlotte smiled as she closes her apartment door, she was confused about what just happened but she loved every minute of it "what got you all smiley-faced?" She almost had a mini heart attack, charlotte holds her chest and mugs the person sitting on her couch.

"How did you get in here?" Lux smiles and stands up dangling a replica of the apartment keys, charlotte was beyond annoyed "I don't have the energy for this, let yourself out " and with that she went into her room and shut the door leaving a smirking Lux .

An hour passed and charlotte wakes up to the smell of food, she gets out of her bed and goes to the kitchen to see a stranger cooking, the man turns and smiles at her before going back to cooking,charlotte was freaked out and slowly grabbed one of the kitchen knifes from the island "who the hell are you! Who let you in! " She yelled, the man turns and looks more terrified then she was.

Lux walks into the kitchen and her eyes widen at the sight, charlotte was swinging the butcher knife towards the poor guy who looked like he was ready to pee himself "charlotte no!" She yelled running over and grabbing the knife out of the woman's hand "you can't kill the chef " Lux said nonchalantly.

"The chef?" The man sighs after Lux put the knife back on the island.

"Yes I hired him to cook dinner for us tonight," Lux said with a smile "he doesn't speak Thai " Lux turns to the man and says something to him in French before turning back to the confused charlotte.

A few seconds later charlotte got her conscious mind back in order" I tell you to leave my apartment and you thought that meant to bring a French chef in here to cook dinner ?" charlotte just couldn't understand why Lux didn't leave her alone.

Nine months ago pt2...

charlotte was on her way to meet Aoom and Heidi for there weekly lunch date,she was running late and ended bumping into someone on the street from how fast she was running, charlotte gasps and start to instantly say sorry to the person she was about to help them up when two buff guys in blue suits lifts her up "ow!" She yelled.

The person gets helped up by a third buff guy before looking at charlotte "so we meet again ms.austin" it was the woman she met at the club a month ago what was her name again? "lux, remember me?"

"Yes I do, your friends with heidi " lux seemed overjoyed at the fact that charlotte remembered her, she kept staring at the other woman, charlotte was feeling uncomfortable and also she was beginning to lose feeling in both her arms "um,lux can you have your bodyguards put me down?"

lux shakes her head to get out of her lovestruck gaze "oh, yes of course , gentleman, please put ms.austin down, gently" the men did as asked and put charlotte down very slowly, Lux snaps her fingers and all three men bow before leaving"I'm very sorry, they're very protective when it comes to me"

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