Chapter Two

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Two days had pass and there was no sign of engfa coming back, Charlotte sat in her room hugging one of Engfa's jackets, she missed her, she didn't mean for them to break up , she was just so frustrated with the older woman , now she was in a mess she might not be able to actually fix,she cuddled the leather jacket and cried herself to sleep .


"Ugh! You're so dead Tina !" Heidi roars before chasing the laughing girl around the amusement park.

Engfa asked Charlotte on their fourth date the last three were amazing and she couldn't help but to ask her out again, the two giggled at their two best friends before taking a seat at a picnic table "those two are going to end up together " Meena said before sitting across the two followed by Aoom. Engfa asked her two best friends to join them and Charlotte did the same, so it became a triple date.

Heidi walks to the picnic table exhausted and sits next to Charlotte"I'm going to kill her " she said out of breath before laying her head down, everyone laughed, Tina walks up to the table with a victory smile on her face.

"Aww I tired out the pretty princess " she proudly stated before getting tackled to the grass "ouch!" She yelled and looked at the tackler.

"You wish Wiggs" Heidi said with a mischievous smirk.

"Well played Jensen"

Everyone began to eat their food before deciding where to go to next, they all decided on going to watch the fireworks, engfa and Charlotte sat away from there friends next to an old oak tree , it was silent, neither speaking "it's nice out " said engfa who was staring at the night sky, the moon was out and the stars shined beautifully .

"Yeah," Charlotte said rubbing her arms, engfa noticed and took off her leather jacket and put it around Charlotte , the girl looks up in surprise and engfa gave her a smile.

"You know if you were cold you could have asked me for my jacket right ?" Engfa said looking back at the night sky, Charlotte said nothing and laid her head on Engfa's shoulder as the fireworks started to light up the sky in marvelous colors.

Engfa  had the hugest grin on her face.


Charlotte wakes up, she had dried up tears and her hair was a mess, she sits up, looks at the clock on the wall 2:30 pm she picks up her phone from the nightstand, she had 4 new messages.

[01:22pm] [Heidi]
It's been a week and two days, I haven't heard anything from you!!!!...

[01:39pm] [heidi]
Are you dead? , you better not be dead! !!!

[02:00pm] [heidi]
Come on! Charlotte ! If you don't answer then I and Aoom are coming to check on you !!!

[02:18] [Enggie]
We should talk...

Charlotte heart stopped for a second, did she read that right? Engfa wanted to talk to her? She takes a deep breath and types a reply.

[02:33] [To:Enggie] SENT!
Sure, when did you wanna talk?

Not even a second later, a reply flashed on her phone screen with a heavy heart she opened the message.

[02:33] [enggie]
Tomorrow. At 3, I'll be waiting at the coffee shop by your apartment.

That hurt, she said YOUR Apartment, there was no OUR apartment, Charlotte sighed and laid back on her bed when she could hear banging from her front door "Heidi " she mumbled before getting up to answer it, "Heidi I -" Charlotte's expression darkened "why ?"

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